Safety Fast Newsletter -February 2024
Below is the Register News letter for February 2024. For the current newsletter see the latest edition of Safety Fast! in the members section.
Events 2024
We begin the year with our usual season-opening Social Event, this will be held at The Piston Club @ The Stag, Alcester Road, Stratford upon Avon B49 6NQ on Sunday 3rd March Starting at 10am – We welcome all MG & Rover cars to join us. This event has been jointly organised with the Young Members Branch. Facebook event page can be found at:
Later the same month we return to the NEC for the Practical Classics & Restoration Show over the weekend of 22nd to 24th March. This is always a very popular event for us, the Facebook link for this event is :
The following month we will be attending Pride of Longbridge. At the time of writing takes place on Saturday 13th April, to join the register stand, please email quoting POL 24 in the subject line. The next day, on Sunday 14th we welcome cars of all ages and models which wear the Viking longship or MG Octagon to join us celebrating 120 Years of Rover & 100 Years of MG. The venue for this event is still to be confirmed. Facebook link:
Moving into May, we have been invited by the Rover P4 Drivers Guild to join them on 12th May at the Great British Car Journey for the 75th Anniversary celebrations of the Rover P4 (As part of the anniversary partnership events). As mentioned, Friday 30th May to Tuesday 4th June will see us head to Belfast NI for the Jack & Berties Car Show Bonanza in partnership with the MGCC Ulster Centre, we will be hosting an anniversary Rover & MG Anniversary display. We also aim to organise some road runs during the weekend. Further details we be announced in due course. For further information and to register you interest in attending please email and quote ‘Roadtrip 24’ in the title.
Over the weekend of 28th to 30th June we return to the Three Counties Showground in Malvern to participate in the Inter-Club International Show, jointly organized by the MGCC, and Triumph Clubs. Further details will be announced over the coming months.
Making a welcome return to the events calendar is Monogram Sunday which will be taking place at Burghley House in Lincolnshire on Sunday 21st July. This event is being supported by both the MGF register & MGCC Lincolnshire Centre, to celebrate the diversity of MG Rover’s Monogram program.
Additional Events and further confirmation of dates will be made in due course.
Online Clothing Store
January is an ideal time to purchase your register-branded clothing for the season ahead from our online store. Ace Embroidery Limited now produce all our clothing and can be viewed and purchased at the following link –
We are also looking into a full overhaul of the register merchandise, so please keep an eye out for future announcements !