
ZR/ZS/ZT Register



The ZR/ZS/ZT Register Committee                                            

Rob Johns

Hi, I’m Rob and I am currently the chairman of the ZR/ZS/ZT Register, I currently own 3 ZR’s! A 2002 Trophy Yellow 160, 2002 105+ & 2004 Biomorphic 105 (now with a few tweaks). I have been a member of car club for several years, joining the committee approximately 4 years ago, taking over the Chairman’s role in 2022. I look forward to seeing you all very soon at event or show near year and if you need to contact me, please email: thezedregister@mgcc.co.uk Quoting ‘Chairman’ in the subject.

Deputy Chairman / Treasurer
Jake Wilson

I’ve had ZTs and ZT-Ts since 2008, many of which were rescues, repaired and sold on for enthusiasts to enjoy. Alongside Zed cars, I have a 1999 Japanese spec Rover 75 and have a love for all things MG, Rover, Jaguar and controversially ’90s-’00s era BMW. I have recently taken on the role of Vice-Chair/Treasurer, looking after merchandise and the Save our Zeds campaign. Returning from the NEC, it’s reminded me how the most rewarding bit of the role is helping people with advice and guidance that keeps their vehicle on the road. Although I have recently sold my Rio red ZT-T 180 SE, I have no doubt a Zed in need will appear in the fold in the future. If you need to contact me, please email: thezedregister@mgcc.co.uk Quoting ‘Deputy Chairman/Treasurer’ in the subject.

Josh Langstaff

Hello! I’m Josh and I own a 2003 MG ZT 160 1.8T.  My story with the brand goes back several years beginning with stories from my dad about his MGBGT to getting my first MG (a ZR) in 2018. After years with the brand I have now reverted to my roots somewhat when I purchased my ZT a few months ago. I’ve loved the Z range since childhood and happy to be supporting the register as part of your committee for 2023-2024! If you need to contact me, please email thezedregister@mgcc.co.uk quoting the title ‘Secretary’.

Council Representative / Racing Representative
Geoff Hirst 

Hello, I’m Geoff and easily the oldest member of the Committee. I have been a Register committee member almost since the formation meeting. I own three MGs in all, a 2023 Southwark silver MG3 and a 1974 Mirage grey (quite rare) 1275 Midget. When the Zed range was announced I ordered a Solar red ZS 180 and later exchanged it for the face-lifted version that I still have. It doesn’t get driven half enough, with mileage still below 14,000! In addition to acting as Council rep, I organised the Parade Laps at the Club race meetings, but with recent changes they have been discontinued. I feel it is important to continue to maintain and develop Register links with the Zed racing teams in 2024. If you need to contact me, please email thezedregister@mgcc.co.uk quoting the title ‘Council Representative / Racing Representative’.

ZR Representative
Liv Gron

Hey! Im Liv and I am a proud owner of a 2004 trophy yellow ZR. From the first time i discovered the ZR whilst looking for my first car i fell in love with them and knew I wanted to own one. My ZR has taught me a lot and its been an ongoing daily and project car since February 2021 getting a whole range of upgrades, repairs and modifications in my ownership. I’m excited to be a part of the committee and representing the ZR for the register for 2023-2024! To contact me please email: thezedregister@mgcc.co.uk quoting ‘MG ZR Rep’ in the title.

ZS Representative
Ollie Beck

Hi, I’m Ollie. I currently own a 2003 MG ZS 120, and this is used as my daily driver. My family story with MG goes back to the early 1930s, with many members of my family working at the Abingdon factory in a variety of roles until the doors closed in 1980. With that history in mind, I grew up with an affinity for the marque and all things motorsport. My ZS purchase was heavily influenced by watching them in the BTCC when I was younger. I’m extremely proud to be part of the committee and look forward to meeting you and your Zeds! To contact me please email: thezedregister@mgcc.co.uk quoting ‘MG ZS Rep’ in the title.

ZT and ZT-T  & V8 Representative
Dan Hooper

Hi, I’m Dan. I have been around MG Rover cars for as long as I can remember. I joined the Zed Register Committee last year, and this year I have become the ZT/ZT-T rep. I have my own collection of Zed cars and have pretty much owned every variant of ZT over the last few years. I am often found wandering around car shows and events with a camera in my hand! To contact me please email: thezedregister@mgcc.co.uk quoting ‘ZT and ZT-T  & V8 Rep’ in the title.

Social Media
Jamie Day

Hi, my name is Jamie, and I’m the Social Media representative for the MG Car Club Zed Register. You’ll see me a lot of the time on your screens, as I travel around the country vlogging for our YouTube channel which involve attending events with the register, as well as doing car reviews featuring cars belonging to you guys, members of the register! I look forward to interacting and speaking to all of you who take the interest/time to message/speak to me! You can also contact me by emailing: thezedregister@mgcc.co.uk quoting ‘Zed Reg Social Media’ in the title.

Rhys Champkin

I joined the Zed Register committee last year in the position of ZR rep, at this year’s AGM I moved from this role over to events co-ordinator. I own several classic / Modern Classic cars currently Including a Solar red ‘2R’ (This car originally started out as a base level Rover 25 and has been converted to an MG ZR look using genuine parts) a 1965 Wolseley Hornet. If you wish to contact me, please email: thezedregister@mgcc.co.uk quoting ‘Events’ in the tile.

Ray Kemble

I’m Ray.  I have been a committee member with the ZR/ZS/ZT Register since the first meeting in November 2002.  I have served in various role in that time including chairman and secretary and am, due to my long career in IT, currently acting as webmaster.  I have been an MGCC member since 1997 when I got a free years membership when I purchased my MGF.  My association with MGs stretches back to my Midget that I bought in 1979.  Over the years I have several other MGs including the Midget, a couple of Metros, an MGF and an MG TF LE500.  My current car is a ZS 180 that I purchased new in 2001.  To contact me please email: thezedregister@mgcc.co.uk quoting ‘Webmaster” in the title.

Safety Fast! Scribe 
John Thompson

I have been involved with the register since 2006. My first official committee position was as Safety Fast scribe which began at the beginning of 2009. I have been in this role continuously since then. In 2016 I became the register chairman before handing the reins over to Rob John at the 2022 AGM. I then continued as the Vice-Chairman for a further year before standing down from that role in October this year. I currently own 2 Mk2 MG ZRs, a Silver 105 Trophy & Fire frost Red ZR 160. To contact me please email: thezedregister@mgcc.co.uk quoting ‘Scribe” in the title.

Young Members Branch Representative
Liam Pimley

Hi! I’m Liam and I currently own a 2003 MG ZS 180 Hatch in Trophy Yellow. I’ve always grown up around MG Rover cars as my dad worked there up until its unfortunate demise in 2005. I always liked the look of the ZS 180, and having the 2.5L V6 it was certainly a car that I wanted to own one day. So when I saw a Trophy Yellow 180 listed on Facebook, it immediately caught my attention and the rest is history! I’ve been an MGCC member since 2022 after attending Pride of Longbridge that same year with the Young Members branch. Everyone was so welcoming and I’ve gotten to know current committee members very well since then, helping out and attending shows whenever I can. I’m honoured to have been asked to join the Zed Register and MGCC Young Members as the new Inter-Committee liaison! See you all out and about at shows! To contact me please email: thezedregister@mgcc.co.uk quoting ‘Young Members Rep” in the title.