Ulster Centre
Website: www.mgcculstercentre.co.uk
THE Ulster Centre was formed in 1968 and runs the Leslie Porter (for MGs only) and Vivien Scott (for all makes) Autotest Championships. Ireland’s only Production Car (PCT) Championship and 2 Classic Trials, which include both autotests and pcts.
The Ulster Centre is very much aware that the youth of today is tomorrow’s club and so endeavour to encourage younger folk into motorsport and have classes suitable for Beginners. In fact, since the 2003/2004 season they hosted several rounds of the Beginners’ Autotest Challenge in conjunction with The Autotest Drivers’ Club and Queens Motor Club and are very happy to continue with this. The Centre hss been fortunate to continue to attract high entries for their various competitive events.
The Ulster Centre has been closely involved with the main MG Car Club and regularly compete in the annual California Cup Autotest, BMC Trophy & The MG B Register Trophy at MG Silverstone. 2010 and 2011 saw the teams bring back The California Cup amongst other trophies.
Visit www.mgcculstercentre.co.uk to find out more about the Ulster Centre.