
Club Meet (Natter) Information

Tyne-Tees Centre currently holds two Club Meets (Natters) each month, one catering for the North and the other the South of our area. Details of these can also be found in the latest issue of Tyne-Tees Tidings, the monthly email newsletter sent out to every Centre member with a declared email address.  If you are a Tyne-Tees member and do not receive a copy, or perhaps wish to join the MG Car Club, then please contact: noel.lindford@btinternet.com


Southern Pub Meeting – The Chequers Inn, Dalton-on-Tees, near Darlington DL2 2NT  

The Chequers is a charming country pub, located just off the A167 Northallerton Road, 5 miles south of Darlington. Historically a popular place with drivers who have competed at nearby Croft Circuit over the years,  it has a good car-park and serves excellent food and drink. We have our own reserved large lounge area, and we meet on the 1st Thursday of each month.

 Next is:  Thursday 3rd April

We will be holding the first round of our 2025 Southern Pride of Ownership Competition.  

   Meet in the rear lounge from 7:30pm.     

   Hosts: Tony Wood   anthony@scrutonvillage.co.uk or call 07885 654795  and Noel Lindford  noel.lindford@btinternet.com  or call 07432 152095


Northern Pub MeetingThe Ridley Arms at Stannington, Nr Morpeth, NE61 6EL   (just off the A1)

Next is:  Monday 14th April

The Ridley Arms is a very welcoming and vibrant village pub, which serves excellent food and drink.  We meet in the Ridley Room from 7:30pm on the 2nd Monday of each month. 

We will be holding the first round of our 2025 Northern Pride of Ownership Competition.  

Host: David  Alexander  david.alexander2012@btinternet.com  or 01670 861178.


Pub Meetings are run by a host, who offers a warm welcome to all members and guests to meet at any of these venues once a month for an enjoyable social evening, amongst friendly club members, in an inviting atmosphere.

A great way to hear first hand the latest news and full details of all upcoming events in the current Tyne-Tees Centre calendar, plus reports on recent events from those who were there (we have the pictures to prove it).

The aim is to also have some topic of interest each month, which could be a short film or a talk / presentation by one of our members or an invited guest, or maybe a quiz or game.

In the summer months (April to September)we hold a self-judging Pride of Ownership Competition (both venues have large carparks) with points gained going towards the overall Pride of Ownership Trophies for the South and North, with categories for all years and models of MGs.  Trophies are presented to the worthy winners at our annual awards ceremony.


Mid-week gatherings, known as “Coffee & Cars” in the north, and “Breakfast Meets” in the south happen on the third and fourth Wednesdays of the month respectively. 

For the location of each for any given month, contact David Alexander or Noel Lindford respectively.

A warm welcome awaits you all at all of these monthly meetings, including of course any new members.  Do come along and say hello!

Posted by Noel Lindford