T Register 2020 Events
Still not looking good …
… with even more events being cancelled – the latest being the Kop Hill Climb in September. At least we can travel to places for relaxation and exercise, as long as the distancing rules are kept and participants are from the one plus one more household. And there’s still a ban on gatherings of more than 30 people. And then there is the matter of Motorsports UK not issuing Certificates of Exemption to hold road runs or ‘Touring Assemblies’ because they cannot guarantee that the car occupants will be from the same household.
Which leads us on to the T Register’s Autumn Tour. We are sorry to announce that we have been forced to cancel it for this year. The reasons are threefold – although the hotel will be open, they cannot give us a gala dinner, and the dining arrangements would not be of a social nature, but of separate groups of four people at one table, and as for the bar … well, it would not be the normal social activity; as commented above, there is till a ban of gatherings of more than 30 people; and finally, we cannot at all guarantee that Motorsports UK will start to issue Certificate of Exemptions for the Saturday and Sunday planned road runs.
There is more below on what to do if you have booked for the Autumn Tour.
The main club has a full note of these effects and has issued advice to clubs on cancellation of meetings and events –
So the listing below is what we originally had planned … and note the new advice about the Autumn Tour.
9 February
T Register at the International MG and Triumph Spares Day
The T Register will once again have a stand at the International MG and Triumph Spares Day at Stoneleigh Park. The video below was made at the 2019 show.
Seen as the season opener, it’s where to get the parts in preparation for Spring and for you to use the T Register stand to sell your unwanted parts to a large number of enthusiastic buyers!
There is a form to complete to list the spares you have you wish to sell at our stand.
You can see all the information on the International MG and Triumph Spares Day website and get your tickets from there. Note that there will once again be dedicated MG parking and this year if you arrive in your MG then the driver can get in the show by buying a ticket on the day for £5.
18 April
T Register Rebuild 2020 – cancelled

Sadly we have decided to cancel this event for this year as described above.
In the meantime you can enjoy last year’s participants struggling on learning how to fold a hood!
19 April
MG and British Marques Day at Brooklands – cancelled
This is the renamed event which was the MG Era Day at Brooklands. The event always attracts a large number of T Types thanks to the indefatigable efforts of Alan Wakefield who is also a Brooklands member.
Brooklands’ plan was for MGs to continue to have pride of place in the Paddock, Campbell Car Park and Finishing Straight areas as before, with other, non-MG, vehicles in other parts of the site.
27 April – 1 May
T Register Spring Tour to the Ardennes – cancelled
The Tour was planned to visit the Belgian Ardennes the week before VE Day, using the same hotel we visited in 2017 (the year of the escaping banjo bolt!).
The hotel gives us secure parking and we’re sure we will be visiting it again in the future.
26 July, 2 August or 9 August
T Register T Party 2020 – not going ahead
We were planning to visit a tranquil and rather pleasant National Trust property with great gardens and space for us to have our picnics, together with an organised short road run with a tulip diagram to get there using a starting point suitable for a large number of participants, going through the Chiltern Hills and taking in a couple of historic Hill Climbs.
The preferred dates would have been 26 July, 2 August or 9 August – dates later on in the summer less likely to clash with other classic car events and give more spacing to our own.
Depending on what happens, our only thinking at the present time is that if the situation improves enough, we might try to organise and impromptu ‘pop-up’ T Party, but we’re not holding our breath.
11-14 September
T Register 2020 Autumn Tour to the Malvern and Shropshire Hills – postponed until 2021
Update 2 August 2020
Our chosen hotel for the Autumn Tour, the Hilton Puckrup Hall Hotel, changed it’s cancellation policy so that cancellations for our date in September could be made as late as the end of August, but after quite a few weeks of anguish, we have finally decided that the Tour cannot go ahead in the present circumstances. Things don’t look to be getting much easier as far social distancing is concerned and the social side of the event simply would not exist. And as written about above, we cannot even guarantee that we could get the necessary permits for the road runs, and we decided that cancelling now was a better option than leaving it until the last minute.
Options for your booking
Our intention is to hold the Autumn Tour 2021 in the same area with the same hotel. And if you would like to hold your booking over on the Tour until next year you don’t have to do anything.
All the 2020 participants have been contacted and advised of the much regretted change. The Tour to the Tewkesbury area will now take place over the weekend of 10-13 September 2021. If you would like to hold your booking over on the Tour until next year you don’t have to do anything. The hotel has already notified those who booked with them for 2020 that they have rebooked your room and accommodation for 10-13 September 2021 and have cancelled your booking for 2020.
We are pleased to say that most participants have indicated that they are able to come next year, with only a few cancellations. If you are not able to come next year you will need to cancel the 2021 hotel reservation, advise Ian Palmer of your decision and your £50 Tour deposit will be refunded.
The few cancellations do mean that there are some spaces now available for others who would like to come. If you have any queries, please email Ian Palmer and he’ll do his best to answer them.