T Register News
T Register Annual General Meeting
The T Register Annual General Meeting will take place on Saturday 19th March 2016 at the British Motor Museum (formerly the Heritage Motor Museum), Banbury Road, Gaydon CV35 0BJ at approx 4.00 pm, immediately after the close of the Rebuild Seminars.
- Apologies for absence
- Minutes of last AGM
- Chairman’s Report
- Treasurer’s Report
- Competition Secretary’s Report
- Election of Officers
- Election of Committee members
- Appointment of Council representative
Nominations (forms are available on the T Register website or from the address below) and topics for AOB should be sent in writing by 4 March 2016 to:
The Secretary, MGCC T Register, 29 Church Street, Ampthill, Bedfordshire MK45 2PL.
The New T Register email Newsletter
The T Register has started a monthly email newsletter for MG Car Club members who own or who have an interest in T Types. It’s readable on smart phones and tablets as well as laptop and desktop computers.
You may have read our Chairman’s words in the latest issues of the T Register News about improving communication within the Register. Well, this newsletter is part of that improvement.
Email is a tried and tested means of communication and the majority of our members have an email address. The problem with providing a website or a Facebook Page is that you have deliberately to go to an Internet site to view information; with email, it arrives with all your other emails in a form (we hope) that is easy and quick to scan and digest.
There is a full description and information on how to get it on a separate post.
TB wins Meguiar’s Club Showcase
Congratulations all round to Alexander Louden from County Antrim who won the Meguiar’s Club Showcase competition at the NEC Classic Motor Show in November with his fabulous TB.
This is a showcase of the ‘best of the best’ coming from a large number of classic car clubs throughout the UK, making Alexander’s win even more special.
You can see more on his win including more photos on Meguiar’s website.
Stewart Penfound wins prestigious award
T Register Specials Registrar, Stewart Penfound’s book, ‘Harry Lester, his cars and The Monkey Stable’ has been voted book of the year by The Society of Automotive Historians, and he was presented with the prestigious Michael Sedgwick Award at their recent AGM and Autumn Seminar.
The book has had superb reviews (from the BRDC bulletin – ‘a truly excellent book… as an insight into racing as it was in the decade after World War 2 it cannot be recommended too highly’) Harry Lester was an expert tuner of the XPAG engine, and his and The Monkey Stable’s exploits with T Types and Harry’s Lester MGs are a significant slice of MG history.
You can read what Stewart says about how he got into writing the book on the book’s website. It does seem to be a common story of how one thing led to another – but with great results in his case.
So, if you are still wondering what to get for Christmas, look no further. See www.lester-mg.co.uk for details.
Our congratulations go out to him!
Update on the 2016 Rebuild event at Gaydon
Barry Knight has confirmed the booking reservation for 19th March 2016 at the British Motor Museum, Gaydon.
Note that the Heritage Motor Museum will be changing its name as from 13 February 2016 to the British Motor Museum.
Currently, the following have agreed to be presenters:
Eric Worpe – TA/B/C brake systems
Barrie Jones – TD/F brake systems
Classic Oils – T Type lubrication
Stevson Motors – Shock absorber overhaul for the Armstrong and Girling dampers
Roger Furneaux – TA/B/C differentials
David Newman – Camshafts for XPAG engines
(David Newman is the owner of Newman Cams who actually make the cams for lots of resellers.)
You can find more details on this event, including application forms to download, more details on garden’s name change, on the main Events page.
The camshaft seminar looks to be one not to miss …
Launch of T Register YouTube Channel
The T Register now has a YouTube channel.
There are 25 videos on there at the moment, plus one introduction/taster video. They are of T Register and T Type presence at shows, events and racing. They date from 2006 to the present day. So you can see T Types in the paddock and racing round Silverstone, T Types at the Spring Stoneleigh event, what happens at the annual T Register T Party, as well as T Types at some European events.
You even get a trip round round the Autodrome de Montlhéry from the cockpit of a C Type Montlhéry whilst viewing the T Types there …
So enjoy looking at them and it would be great to get some feedback.
T Register YouTube Channel
T Register News Issue 20
The October 2015 Issue of T Register News is now available to download.
T Register News Issue 20
It includes notes by Geoff Matthews, our chairman, on ideas for future T Register communications, stories of 2 TDs, a report on the T Weekend in September and a first taste of events planned for 2016.
Hard copies are being sent out to those who requested them.