T Register News
T Register racing 2016
Reports are now available for all four of the race meetings where T Types and XPAG Specials took part.
T Register T Party at the Flywheel Festival
The T Register had a successful turnout at the new-to-us venue of the Flywheel Festival at Bicester Heritage for their annual T Party. The Flywheel Festival was a bit like Shuttleworth on steroids with lots to see and experience, with racing and rallying cars going round the small track, mock 1st World War dog fights, and a Spitfire being put through its paces. Last but not least was the attendance of Sir Stirling Moss who was obviously only too pleased to be seen and photographed by everyone there.
We have published a report on the event, an album of photos and a video made of the event.
T Register email Newsletter for July – and Captain Castor issue 3
The July T Register email Newsletter has now been sent out and the latest edition of Captain Castor has been published. If you are an UK MG Car Club member and wish to receive the Newsletter, got to http://www.mgcc.co.uk/t-register/newsletter/ and fill the form in at the bottom of the page.
You can see the latest issue of Captain Castor at http://www.mgcc.co.uk/t-register/captain-castor-issue-no3/. He’s been pot hunting at MG Live and been remarkably successful.
2017 Autumn Tour
The first details of the T Register’s 2017 Autumn Tour have been published.
This time we will be based at Shap Wells and visiting the Lake District and the Yorkshire Dales
T Register videos of MG Live
There’s now three videos of T Register activities at MG Live this year, as well as two albums of photographs.
Album of photos and report of T Type XPAG Specials racing
Video number one of setting up and the stands in the main marquee –
Video number two of scenes outside the marquee and the T Register parking –
And last but not least, video number three of the XPAG Specials display, the paddock, and the T Types and XPAG Specials racing on the Grand Prix circuit –
The T Register is awarded the Nuffield Gold Cup
The T Register had a very successful weekend at MG Live this year.
We came second in the Centre/Register/Branch best stand competition – and we really didn’t expect it.
And at the President’s Dinner on the Saturday evening, we were presented with the Nuffield Gold Cup. We think the only other time we won it was back in 2003, and it came as a great surprise to us. It was presented for all the work done in rejuvenating the T Register.
There are a now quite a few news items with descriptions and photos of the events at MG Live this weekend, so have a look at our dedicated MG Live page
T Register email Newsletter for June – and Captain Castor
The email Newsletter for June 2016 has been sent out to all recipients.
Don’t forget if you don’t already receive the email Newsletter, you can sign up to receive it at the bottom of its descriptive page on this website.
There has also been a new issue of the T Register’s Captain Castor photo-comic published; he’s been to Brooklands!
T Types and XPAG Specials racing at Brands Hatch
The MGCC Brands Hatch Race Meeting was held 30 April – 1 May 2016 and a small number of T Types and XPAG Specials were competing in the MGCC Iconic 50s and FISCAR Fliers series. These were
No 1 – Stuart Dean, MG Dick Jacobs Special, 1466cc
No 6 – Howard Maguire, Playford MG, 1500cc
No 9 – George Edney, MG TB, 1500cc
No 91 – Chris Owen, MG TA/TC
No 198 – Jonathan Harmer, MG TF, 1466cc
You can see a full report and lots of pictures on the T Register’s Facebook Page.
Latest issues of T Register News and the T Register email Newsletter
Both the T Register News for April 2016 and the email Newsletter for May 2016 have now been posted.
You can get the the April issue of the T Register News from the TRN page on this website.
The email Newsletter has been sent out to all recipients. Don’t forget if you don’t already receive the email Newsletter, you can sign up to receive it the bottom of its descriptive page on this website.
T Register at MG Live! 2016
We now have a dedicated page listing all the T Register activities at MG Live! including the natter at the XPAG Specials marquee in the paddock, the T Register table at the President’s Dinner, and news about the T Types 80 celebrations and the California Cup.