
T Register News

T Register News No 25 Jan 2017

The January 2017 T Register News has now been published and is available for download.
It contains articles on Barry Knight’s recently restored TC, more history of Andy King’s TA JB 9447 and a listing of T Register events.

T Register AGM 2017

MG Car Club T Register has announced the formal notice of the Register’s Annual General Meeting to be held at the British Motor Museum, Banbury Road, Gaydon CV35 0BJ on 25th March 2017 at approx 4.00 pm.
This will be immediately after the close of the Rebuild Seminars.
See the 2017 events page to see the agenda and the link to download nomination papers.

The T Register at the International MG and Triumph Spares Day

The T Register will once again have a stand at this event on 19 February, held at Stoneleigh Park.
You can bring your unwanted spares along to the stand to sell to potentially lots of enthusiastic buyers.
There is more information on the show and how to sell your spares on our stand on the 2017 events page.

T Register email newsletter for January – and Captain Castor issue 9

The January T Register email Newsletter has now been sent out and the latest edition of Captain Castor has been published.
If you are a UK MG Car Club member and wish to receive the Newsletter, got to http://www.mgcc.co.uk/t-register/newsletter/ and fill the form in at the bottom of the page.

You can see the latest issue of Captain Castor at http://www.mgcc.co.uk/t-register/captain-castor-issue-no9/. Captain Castor has been out and about during the Christmas Holidays, sampling the delights of winter classic car meetings – well getting rather wet anyway …

T Register Rebuild Seminars 2017 are go

The T Register’s Rebuild Seminars’ date is now fixed for Saturday 25 March at the British Motor Museum at Gaydon and the programme is now taking shape.

You can see the latest list of topics and speakers on the 2017 Events page.

Changes in DVSA recording chassis numbers

tf-vin-plateBill Silcock has told us that the DVSA recording system has been modified and now will not accept the ‘/‘ character as part of the chassis number, so on your MoT certificate your chassis number will appear without this character.
Further, the letters that sometimes appear after the chassis number (Bill’s chassis number includes ‘EXLU’ as the car was repatriated from the States) get lost, and he received a letter from DVSA asking for clarification because the chassis number recorded at the MoT testing station did not agree with that on the V5 document.
Bill contacted the Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs’ DVSA liaison Officer and sorted the issue out, so the DVSA record for his car is now as it should be but without the ‘/‘.
If anyone else runs into a difficulty like this please let the T Register Secretary know so that we can help sort out the issue for you.

Changes to the T Register’s online Regalia shop

There have been changes to the online Regalia shopping cart system on the T Register’s website.
The system we have used for a number of years is now showing its age and Paypal (the system for payments) have changed a large number of parameters, and given the shopping system’s age,  it is not worth updating it.
However the T Register is delighted to announce that a brand new online shop will be arriving soon. We have decided to utilise the main MG Car Club’s online shopping cart system but it will be late January before this is up and running. For the future, using this system will allow us to sell tickets online for T Register events, something which we are not able to do at present.
For now, the Regalia web pages are still up and running, but ordering items will give you a printout of your order for sending off to Barry Knight our Regalia Coordinator together with payment. Full details are on the Regalia pages.
We’ll keep you up to date with progress.

T Register 2017 events

A provisional list of T Register events for 2017 has now been published. Some of the information is sketchy at this stage, but they will be fleshed out when more information is known.

2017 Events

T Register News no 24 October 2016 and hard copy subscriptions for 2017

The T Register News for October is now available. It contains a full report of the Autumn Tour, a story from Will Handley from California on how his journey to the GoF in Redmond, Oregon and back involved numerous encounters with bush fires, and encouragement to join in forms of competition other than racing in your T Type.

If you wish to receive the T Register magazines as hard copy through the post in 2017, there is a subscription service for this at £12 pa including postage. There is an invoice an invoice to fill in and send off to the T Register Treasurer if you want this service.

There will continue to be no charge for downloading the magazine.

T Register email newsletter for November – and Captain Castor issue 7

The November T Register email Newsletter has now been sent out and the latest edition of Captain Castor has been published.
If you are a UK MG Car Club member and wish to receive the Newsletter, got to http://www.mgcc.co.uk/t-register/newsletter/ and fill the form in at the bottom of the page.

You can see the latest issue of Captain Castor at http://www.mgcc.co.uk/t-register/captain-castor-issue-no7/. Now that the chilly weather has arrived, Captain Castor has been giving advice on correct headgear for driving your open top T Type …