
T Register News

A TB wins the Endurance Rally Association’s Flying Scotsman 3 day event

Congratulations to Paul Crosby and Ali Proctor who have won the Endurance Rally Association’s 3 day Flying Scotsman event in a 1939 supercharged TB.
Paul described the win – ‘this was an amazing result for us. Ali did a brilliant job. I’m overwhelmed, absolutely overwhelmed because we never thought we had any chance of coming here and winning’.

T Register email newsletter for April – and Captain Castor issue 12

The April T Register email Newsletter has now been sent out and the latest edition of Captain Castor has been published.
If you are a UK MG Car Club member and wish to receive the Newsletter, got to http://www.mgcc.co.uk/t-register/newsletter/ and fill the form in at the bottom of the page.

You can see the latest issue of Captain Castor at http://www.mgcc.co.uk/t-register/captain-castor-issue-no12/. Captain Castor went to Rebuild of course, and was instrumental in East meeting West. He also discovered some unknown facts about trimming your T Type, and a foolproof way of testing the XPAG water temperature …

T Register Rebuild Seminars 2017 Report

There’s now a report on the successful Rebuild Seminars held at the British Motor Museum on Saturday 25 March. We had over 90 attendees and they came from as far apart as Indiana in the USA and Kobe in Japan …

T Register T Party 2017 at the Chateau Impney Hill Climb

Details of how to get tickets for the T Register’s annual T Party have now been published.
The T Party will be held at the Chateau Impney Hill Climb event on Sunday 9 July. Tickets are available from the Chateau Impney Hill Climb ticketing web page using a special T Register offer code. You will need the offer code to get the tickets and all details on this and the event itself are on the T Register’s 2017 Events page.

A Track Day and a visit to Bicester Heritage

In the latest (March 2017) email Newsletter, there were two articles about two new events for the T Register.
One was the suggestion for a T Register track day and the other was for a guided visit to Bicester Heritage. The former is a suggestion from David Blackford who recently tried out a similar event held by the Triple M Register in his TD. The latter is a result of a visit to Bicester Heritage by T Register committee members to test its suitability as a venue for a revived Skills Workshop.
We are therefore asking members what they think of these two ideas. There is a form to simply express your opinion for both these proposals and we’d be grateful if you completed them, even if you don’t like the proposals – it will take 30 seconds! There is more explanation on both form pages –

Form for a T Register Track Day

Form for a visit to Bicester Heritage

T Register email newsletter for March – and Captain Castor issue 11

The March T Register email Newsletter has now been sent out and the latest edition of Captain Castor has been published.
If you are a UK MG Car Club member and wish to receive the Newsletter, got to http://www.mgcc.co.uk/t-register/newsletter/ and fill the form in at the bottom of the page.

You can see the latest issue of Captain Castor at http://www.mgcc.co.uk/t-register/captain-castor-issue-no11/. Captain Castor went to the Stoneleigh show and reports on the shall we say, more hidden moments he saw there …

T Types to the Ardennes – anyone fancy going?

Our Secretary Sally Silcock has told us they have had a cancellation for their trip to the Ardennes and the first people who contact her will get the the double/twin room that’s suddenly become available.
There’s full information on the Ardennes Tour on the 2017 Events page.

MGCC South West Centre Kimber Classic Trial

The annual Kimber Classic Trial will be celebrating its 80th Anniversary this year on Saturday May 13 2017. The MGCC SW Centre has cordially invited all T Types to enter this year’s event which was won in 2015 by a TA.
You do not need a competition licence to enter, just a current Club membership card. This event is the longest-surviving competition in the MGCC calendar. You will be welcome whether as a competitor, a marshal or a spectator’

There is more on the event and how to enter on the Events 2017 page.

T Register email newsletter for February – and Captain Castor issue 10

The February T Register email Newsletter has now been sent out and the latest edition of Captain Castor has been published.
If you are a UK MG Car Club member and wish to receive the Newsletter, got to http://www.mgcc.co.uk/t-register/newsletter/ and fill the form in at the bottom of the page.

You can see the latest issue of Captain Castor at http://www.mgcc.co.uk/t-register/captain-castor-issue-no10/. Captain Castor has been musing about the correctness of wire wheels, and making definitive statements on T Type owners’ tastes – whilst TD owners look pretty smug …

The T Register 2017 T Party at Chateau Impney Hill Climb

We’re planning to hold the the 2017 T Party at the Chateau Impney Hill Climb at Droitwich on Sunday 9 July, but we wondered what members thought of holding it there. And we also wondered whether members would prefer to go on the Saturday or Sunday – it’s actually a two-day event.

So we have made a form to do a survey and it would be helpful if you filled it in. Here’s the link –

Interest in the T Party venue for 2017

The form is open until Friday 24 February and the information will then all be deleted.