
T Register News

T Types at the Flywheel Festival, Bicester Heritage 25 June 2017

A number of T Type owners went to the Flywheel Festival at Bicester Heritage this even though we are not holding our T Party there this year.
There is a report on the 2017 Events Reports page and lots of photographs on our Facebook Page.

We won the California Cup Register Trophy!

The T Register’s big news from MG Live is that we won the Register Trophy in the California Cup event!
It’s the first we have entered a team for a number of years, so congratulations and many thanks are due to Paul Critchley, Brian Goodban and Richard Hirst.
We’re awaiting photos of the team, so this news item will be added to shortly.
In the meantime you can see pictures of the T Register parking and views of the massive number of MGs that attend MG Live at Silverstone every year. There is also a full report on the T Types and XPAG Specials racing in the MGCC’s Iconic 50s race series there.
And note the sunshine. And it was hot!

Booking for the Flywheel Festival at Bicester Heritage

We have had an update on the club booking scheme for this event on 24 – 25 June.
The club booking scheme will close at 10pm on Wednesday 21 June, so if you want to go, you need to book your tickets before then!
Details of the event and the link to get discounted club tickets are on the 2017 Events page.

June Newsletter date correction – MGs in the Park

My apologies, I can only explain by either my typing finger slipped, or my brain cells are decaying. Probably both.

In the June Newsletter we advertised the Oxfordshire MG Owners Club MGs in the Park annual event at the Cotswold Wildlife Park, Burford as being on 24 June.

It isn’t. It was on 4 June. My sincere apologies for this mistake.

We want someone to run the T Register’s MG Live natter!

Panic over

We have now got someone to run the natter so it will go ahead as normal on the late Saturday afternoon in the XPAG Specials marquee where you can sip the drink of your choice, admire the XPAG Specials, and swap stories with your T Type colleagues …

This is an urgent plea.

We had thought we could get someone to take Graham Brown’s place in organising the traditional natter we hold in the XPAG Specials marquee late on the Saturday afternoon at MG Live, but we’ve drawn a blank.
The beer has been ordered, and Graham will show you the ropes, but please, we need a volunteer to run the event. So either you, or if you know someone who would be willing to take it on, please email our Secretary Sally Silcock and let her know.
Time is pressing for someone to come forward and we don’t really want to cancel it …

XPAG Specials display at MG Live 2017

Stewart Penfound our XPAG Specials Registrar, has written a brief history of XPAG Specials and describes some of the examples and the display we can expect at Silverstone on the Saturday.
Don’t forget as well there is an informal T Register natter on the late Saturday afternoon in the XPAG Specials marquee where you admire these cars at your leisure.

T Register email newsletter for May – and Captain Castor issue 13

The May T Register email Newsletter has now been sent out and the latest edition of Captain Castor has been published.
If you are a UK MG Car Club member and wish to receive the Newsletter, got to http://www.mgcc.co.uk/t-register/newsletter/ and fill the form in at the bottom of the page.

You can see the latest issue of Captain Castor at http://www.mgcc.co.uk/t-register/captain-castor-issue-no13/. Captain Castor has been working out what colour to paint his XPAG engine and has been delving into the tricky issues of paint colour, ambient light – and how to adjust your screen gamma. All in the interest of getting an accurate fix on the correct colour for your XPAG engine. Unless it’s an MPJG of course …

T Register News No 26 April 2017

The April 2017 T Register News has now been published and is available for download.
It contains articles on the present and original owner of TD Reg No RUA 425 meeting up after 60 years, a report on our Stoneleigh and Rebuild events and an article on David Wardell’s UK market TF1500.
There is also a warm welcome from our new Chairman, Ian Palmer.

Trip to the Ardennes – change of hotel

Those T Register members who are going on the Ardennes trip with Bill and Sally Silcock will have heard that the hotel they have booked has suddenly and unexpectedly ceased trading. The good news is that they do seem to have fallen on their feet and have secured a new hotel for the trip that looks to be quite used to dealing with classic car clubs!
You can read all about the changes on the event page, but this is a notice that if you know of any of the participants who have NOT received Sally’s email, please can you let her know.

The T Register and the the California Cup and Autosolo at MG Live!

These two events have been moved right to centre stage for this year’s MG Live – they will be held on the tarmac area just outside where the main club marquee is normally and where the concours was held last year. In previous years they have been held in the car park near the Silverstone entrance where you had to be keen to go and see them.
So … the T Register has been asked to enter a 3 car team for the California Cup which is an autotest or driving test, and to encourage T Type owners to enter for the Autosolo event. You can read all about them and how to enter on our extended MG Live info section on our 2017 Events page.