T Register News
Happy Christmas!

The new online Factory Records system goes live
The new Factory Records system has now gone live and has replaced the older system which was kept on the old tregister.org website.
The address for searching the new system is
We have also uploaded a revised set of data of the records. The original set of data dates back over 20 years or so when the original paper records were first digitised. Transcribing over 50,000 records meant that inevitably some errors occurred. All the TD records – the bulk of the records – have been gone thought again and errors where found have been corrected.
The policy followed has been to replicate the paper records, not to correct them where mistakes were made in recording in the factory. However this latter has been taken care of by introducing more copious notes in the digital records to mark where inconsistencies may occur. You can see this at work from the screenshot above where the owner has queried the original engine number.
The original intention was to have completed the scrutiny of the paper records for TA, TB, TC and TF cars as well, but unfortunately the pandemic has put a stop to visits to Kimber House where the paper records are held. And there are still some queries about the TD records which need checking again; nevertheless we thought it worth uploading the corrected records rather than sticking with the old.
Next steps
The next step is to transfer the records kept by the T Register Registrars which are more complicated to the new system, but the Factory Records system has proved to be a useful learning curve for the process.
Our intention is then to transfer the tregister.org domain name to point to the T Register’s pages on the MGCC site.
More updates to the factory records will have to wait until it’s safe to visit Kimber House …
2020 Events and other services cancelled – updated 6 April 2020
We have now cancelled all Regalia sales from the T Register shop. Dispatching items involved a trip to the Post Office and we cannot justify the exposure of one of our members.
The 2020 Events Page has been updated with the latest information we have on cancellations.
We have cancelled the Spring Tour to the Ardennes and all participants have been contacted about their hotel deposits.
Rebuild has also been cancelled for this year and there will be a full refund for people who have already paid for the event – our Treasurer will be in touch with you all via email to arrange refunds.
The Brooklands MG event on 19 April has also been cancelled.
We have abandoned planning for the T Party due to the uncertainty that surrounds us. MG Live is still going ahead at the moment but of course the club will conform to all government advice.
Motorsport UK (the body delegated by the government to govern car sporting events which includes road runs) has now withdrawn ALL licences until 30 June so that any activity organised by a CRB that is subject to a MSUK permit or certificate of exemption cannot proceed, and any event planned up to 30 June 2020 will not be covered by MSUK permit or certificates of exemption and has to be cancelled. This includes not only race meetings, but also rallies, trials, sprints, hillclimbs and road runs.
This also includes MG Live, because without the MSUK permit of course no racing can be planned.
There is a full report on what is happening with MG Live on the main club website.
The Autumn Tour is actually solidly booked up and we are keeping a reserve list, but of course we are keeping it very much under review and we have until July to decide whether to cancel or go ahead with the event.
Just to inject a note of optimism, we are actively considering the planning for the 2021 Autumn Tour.
Kimber House have put up a comprehensive listing of advice and of events that have been cancelled and it’s worth a read –
T Register Autumn Tour 2019
Members had a great time on this year’s Autumn Tour, not least because of the great weather we had – no hood and sidescreens were the order of the day.
The countryside was great too in this more unknown part of the UK with traffic free roads and attractive villages, together with plenty of refreshments opportunities and stops, and venues to visit.
There’s a report of the event on our website and a video to view on our YouTube channel.
Dave Richmond
We are sorry to let fellow members know that lifelong MG enthusiast and T Type owner Dave Richmond died suddenly on Saturday 15th of June at the age of 67.
His funeral will take place on the 3rd of July at 12.15 hrs at Preston Crematorium, Longridge Road, Preston PR2 5BY and T Type owners will be most welcome to attend.
Dave and Liz attended Silverstone for many years and made many life long MG friends but now the MG World has lost a great fun loving, kind and gentle soul and he will be sorely missed.
Our thoughts go out to Liz at this sad time.
T Register Events for 2019
We now have a complete listing for all our events planned for 2019.
For the T Party this year we have decided to go back to the Shuttleworth Collection at Old Warden which we last visited in 2015. You can see the listing and ticketing instructions for them all on our 2019 Events page. There will also be display posters and flyers at the T Register stand at the MG and Triumph Spares Day at Stoneleigh on 10 February.
So here’s hoping the weather is going to be as good as it was last year!
A new History of T Type Engines Book
We have now published a fully revised edition of Roger Wilson’s T Type Engines booklet first published by the MG Car Club T Register in 2012.
The new edition contains all that is currently known about changes during engine production and at what engine number and date of introduction, as well as technical information on the original camshafts and distributors.
It also contains new information on the casting marks found on MG engine blocks, and the detailed information in the text has been thoroughly revised using painstaking research into contemporary documentation and other resources.
You can order the book from the T Register’s online shop and it’s priced at £6.00.
T Register Spring Tour to Normandy 2019
Details of the 2019 Spring Tour to Normandy have been published –
so if you want to go, get your email in to Sally Silcock asap. The hotel in Normandy needs confirmations and deposits by 1 November to hold the prices that have been negotiated.
The hotel is the Ferme de la Rançonnière, Crépon which we have used before.
T Register Autumn Tour to the Surrey Hills 2018
There is now a report on the T Register’s Autumn Tour to the Surrey Hills under the 2018 Events tab, and a copy of it with a full album of pictures on the T Register’s Facebook page.
The weather was kind, there were 35 T Types on the Tour and a great time was had by all.
Kimber House updates September 2018
The October MGCC Council meeting and AGM will be held at the Conference Centre, MG Motor UK, Main Gate, Lowhill Lane, Longbridge, Birmingham, B31 2BQ on 20 October. The club’s articles require motions for debate to be submitted by 7 September so if you do want anything discussed get in touch quickly with the T Register Secretary.
Kimber House have also started sending out an email newsletter to members on a regular basis to complement Safety Fast! magazine.
We think it is being sent to all members for whom Kimber House have an up-to-date email address logged against their membership details.
Unfortunately not all members have given their email address when subscribing – especially those who have been members for a long time! It would be a mammoth task for Kimber House staff to pro-actively collect members’ email addresses, so if you do want to receive the Kimber House newsletter, the best advice is to contact Liz Allsworth, the Membership Secretary, email lizallsworth@mgcc.co.uk or telephone her on 01235 849734 and let her know your email address.