
T Register News

T Register AGM

19 March 2016, British Motor Museum, Gaydon
The T Register AGM was held immediately after the close of Rebuild at the British Motor Museum. About a third of the Rebuild attendees stayed on for it.
Geoff Matthews was elected unopposed as chairman, whilst making it absolutely plain that it would be his last year. Bill Silcock was elected to the committee.
The Register is in good financial health with moderate funds as a reserve. It does make a loss on the more commercial events it attends – notably Stoneleigh – but the committee think this is worth while to promote the Register. On its own organised events it breaks even.
Where the Register does make a profit is in its DVLA services – liaising with the DVLA in getting original Registration Numbers restored and acquiring age-related ones for new T Type imports. Our thanks go to Robin Hasledine for this extremely valuable service.
The T Register tours are fully booked up; the one which we need members to book for is the T Party in July at the Flywheel event at Bicester Heritage. This is a self-booking event so make sure to read the about how to do this. You can find it all on the Events page.
There was a short discussion at the end of the meeting on the Register’s new initiatives of its Facebook Page and this Newsletter. More members signed up to the Newsletter but not everyone at the meeting was a fan of Facebook; however there have been over 1000 hits on our Facebook post on the Rebuild event.
The other topic discussed was a report on the IT initiatives from Kimber House as reported in the item above on MGCC Council. One Registrar wanted the next step of being able to store all car records on the KH database …

Greeting you at the Rebuild Seminars

Nick Hoyler's 1936 TQThe T Register’s Rebuild 2016 Seminars are imminent so make sure you have sent off your application form –
We will have Nick Hoyler’s 1936 TA with a Q Type body, and XPAG with supercharger, displayed in the entrance to the event to whet your appetites.
Nick Hoyler's 1936 TQ (1)You can see all the details of the event together with the poster advertising the event – which also includes the timetable and list of speakers and topics – together with the application form on this site’s Events Page –
and on the T Register’s Facebook Events Page –

The T Register T Party at Bicester Heritage’s Flywheel festival

2flywheelAs reported below, for the last few years the T Register has held its annual T Party at the Wheels and Wings event at the Shuttleworth Collection at Old Warden near Biggleswade and that this year that event is being held on the same weekend as the T Register’s Autumn Tour – the first weekend in September.
So we have decided to have a change of venue this year whilst keeping the same weekend. This year’s T Party will be held at the Flywheel event at Bicester Heritage on Sunday 3 July.
Bicester Heritage is a relatively new concept and organisation based at the old RAF station at Bicester, but one which has received wholesale acceptance by classic car people in a very short space of time. There is full listing of the T Party with clickable links to the Bicester Heritage and Flywheel festival webpages lower on the Events page.
Note that the concessionary entry is for MGCC members only and how to do it is publicised in the March issue of the T Register’s emailed Newsletter. So if you’re not receiving the Newsletter, register on the webpage advertising what it is. The form is at the bottom of the page.

80th anniversary of the TA at Brooklands MG Era

Sunday 10 April 2016

The Brooklands Museum in conjunction with the MGCC South East Centre will feature the 80th anniversary of the TA at this event. The Museum has requested ‘as many TAs as we can get to fill the paddock area’ and that means getting 30+ vehicles there.
Alan Wakefield has volunteered to contact TA owners who would be willing to bring their TAs, and especially any variants such as Tickfords, to Brooklands as part of the display and would like to receive expressions of interest from prospective display vehicle exhibitors.
You can contact Alan at wakefieldalan@aol.com, or text to 07831618520, or phone 01932873170.
There is a full description of this event on the T Register event page

T Register News magazine No 21

The January 2016 issue of the T Register News magazine is now on the T Register website. It includes two contrasting stories of T Type ownership and full details of the T Register events – and that plea from our chairman about him retiring in 2017.
The T Register News magazine No 21

This year’s T Party

For the last few years the T Register has held its annual T Party at the Wheels and Wings event at the Shuttleworth Collection at Old Warden near Biggleswade. And we have been blessed with continual great weather. This year Wheels and Wings event is being held on the same weekend as the T Register’s Autumn Tour – the first weekend in September. Shuttleworth do hold other events which we could attend but the trouble is, the Wings and Wheels event is the only one for which they give concessionary entrance prices to classic cars and their passengers. Entry to these other events will cost £22.50 per head (advance price).
So we are in a quandary. Prior to our attendance at Shuttleworth we have been to VSCC meetings at Shelsley Walsh and to Prescott and there is an event at the former on 3rd July. It sounds like a teleconferencing call for the committee to discuss, but we would like to know your views. Email david.wardell@tiscali.co.uk and let him know.

We need a new chair …

At the Annual General Meeting in the previous news item Geoff Matthews will be entering his 6th year as our chairman and he’s only doing that as a dispensation from the MGCC Board. The term for being chair is fixed at 5 years.

He writes, ‘We desperately need a new face to step in by this time in 2017 when I will be stepping down. If you have any interest in joining your merry band of volunteers it would be a great time to make yourself known to us and you would then have a year to familiarise yourself with the way the Register works. I look forward to a call on 01840 214972’.
You can read more on his thoughts in the January issue of T Register News.

T Register Annual General Meeting

The T Register Annual General Meeting will take place on Saturday 19th March 2016 at the British Motor Museum (formerly the Heritage Motor Museum), Banbury Road, Gaydon CV35 0BJ at approx 4.00 pm, immediately after the close of the Rebuild Seminars.


  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Minutes of last AGM
  3. Chairman’s Report
  4. Treasurer’s Report
  5. Competition Secretary’s Report
  6. Election of Officers
  7. Election of Committee members
  8. Appointment of Council representative
  9. AOB

Nominations (forms are available on the T Register website or from the address below) and topics for AOB should be sent in writing by 4 March 2016 to:
The Secretary, MGCC T Register, 29 Church Street, Ampthill, Bedfordshire MK45 2PL.

The New T Register email Newsletter

The T Register has started a monthly email newsletter for MG Car Club members who own or who have an interest in T Types. It’s readable on smart phones and tablets as well as laptop and desktop computers.
You may have read our Chairman’s words in the latest issues of the T Register News about improving communication within the Register. Well, this newsletter is part of that improvement.
Email is a tried and tested means of communication and the majority of our members have an email address. The problem with providing a website or a Facebook Page is that you have deliberately to go to an Internet site to view information; with email, it arrives with all your other emails in a form (we hope) that is easy and quick to scan and digest.

There is a full description and information on how to get it on a separate post.

TB wins Meguiar’s Club Showcase

TB NEC winner
Congratulations all round to Alexander Louden from County Antrim who won the Meguiar’s Club Showcase competition at the NEC Classic Motor Show in November with his fabulous TB.
This is a showcase of the ‘best of the best’ coming from a large number of classic car clubs throughout the UK, making Alexander’s win even more special.
You can see more on his win including more photos on Meguiar’s website.