
Kimber House updates September 2018

The October MGCC Council meeting and AGM will be held at the Conference Centre, MG Motor UK, Main Gate, Lowhill Lane, Longbridge, Birmingham, B31 2BQ on 20 October. The club’s articles require motions for debate to be submitted by 7 September so if you do want anything discussed get in touch quickly with the T Register Secretary.

Kimber House have also started sending out an email newsletter to members on a regular basis to complement Safety Fast! magazine.
We think it is being sent to all members for whom Kimber House have an up-to-date email address logged against their membership details.
Unfortunately not all members have given their email address when subscribing – especially those who have been members for a long time! It would be a mammoth task for Kimber House staff to pro-actively collect members’ email addresses, so if you do want to receive the Kimber House newsletter, the best advice is to contact Liz Allsworth, the Membership Secretary, email lizallsworth@mgcc.co.uk or telephone her on 01235 849734 and let her know your email address.