
This year’s T Party

For the last few years the T Register has held its annual T Party at the Wheels and Wings event at the Shuttleworth Collection at Old Warden near Biggleswade. And we have been blessed with continual great weather. This year Wheels and Wings event is being held on the same weekend as the T Register’s Autumn Tour – the first weekend in September. Shuttleworth do hold other events which we could attend but the trouble is, the Wings and Wheels event is the only one for which they give concessionary entrance prices to classic cars and their passengers. Entry to these other events will cost £22.50 per head (advance price).
So we are in a quandary. Prior to our attendance at Shuttleworth we have been to VSCC meetings at Shelsley Walsh and to Prescott and there is an event at the former on 3rd July. It sounds like a teleconferencing call for the committee to discuss, but we would like to know your views. Email david.wardell@tiscali.co.uk and let him know.