2018 Events
Dates for your 2018 Diary
Here is the list of T Type events for 2018. We will be attending three events in the summer in addition to MG Live, so keep an eye open for updates for each of them. We hope that their varied geographical location will encourage a wider spread of T Type owners to attend one of them –
- Flywheel Festival at Bicester Heritage, now renamed the Classic and Sports Car Show in association with Flywheel, 23-24 June
- Chateau Impney Hill Climb, 7-8 July
- T Party at MG Car Club Donington Park race meeting, 14-15 July
These are of course in addition to the Autumn Tour in September.
You can see reports posted on all these events shortly after their occurrence.
11 February
T Register at the MG and Triumph International Show and Spares Day
The T Register will once again have a stand at MG and Triumph Spares Day at Stoneleigh Park.
Seen as the season opener, it’s where to get the parts in preparation for Spring and for you to use the T Register stand to sell your unwanted parts to a large number of enthusiastic buyers!
There is a form to complete to list the spares you want to sell.
You can see more about the show on the MG and Triumph International Show and Spares Day website and buy tickets from there.
14 April
T Register Rebuild
The British Motor Museum is a popular choice for members for the T Register’s annual Rebuild event and once more we have a booking there for 14 April. Entry will include admission to the Museum and we will keep you well fed and watered with coffee and bacon rolls on arrival together with a buffet lunch and tea and coffee throughout the day.
Last year the single strand throughout the day format proved popular and so we will have two morning sessions with one in the afternoon plus a Question and Answer session. It will be followed by the T Register’s AGM.
The programme will include a full update by Paul Ireland on the work on ethanol and XPAG engines undertaken at Manchester University and will include a ‘solutions’ section which will include carburettor adjustment, ignition timing and fitting a programmable 123 distributor. It will be complemented by a session from Barrie Jones our TF Registrar with a complete run-down of T Type electrics and modern replacements.
So if you don’t really understand cyclic variability in combustion, here’s the chance to do so …
Timetable –
08.30 – 09.40 Delegate Registration, and Morning Refreshments (from 8.45)
09.40 – 09.55 Welcome/Introduction/Housekeeping Ian Palmer
10.00 – 11.15 Barrie Jones: T Type electrics and modern replacements – a complete run-down.
11.15 – 11.40 Tea/Coffee/Biscuits
11.45 – 12.45 Paul Ireland: the Manchester XPAG tests, the problems of modern petrol, their effects on Suck, Squeeze, Bang and Blow and why a hot engine cannot be restarted.
12.45 – 13.30 Lunch
13.30 – 14.40 Paul Ireland: addressing the problems of modern petrol, choice of petrol, effects of ethanol blended fuels, tuning the carburettors and ignition to mitigate the negative effects.
14.40 – 15.10 Tea/Coffee/Biscuits
15.10 – 16.15 Question and Answer session with a panel of T Register experts.
16.20 – 16.50 T Register AGM
There will be a Bring and Buy stall to sell your unwanted spares as in previous years and there is a form for you list your items to help us on the day.
The cost will be £44 for MGCC members and £48 for non members.
You can download an application form to print out, or this year you can now complete an online form, and pay by bank transfer. The paper application form was also available in the January 2018 issue of Safety Fast.
If you want more information, email Barry Knight or telephone him on 01252 875740. You can also download an A4 poster of the event which gives all details including the timetable.
14 April
T Register AGM
The AGM of the T Register will take place immediately after the Rebuild Seminars at the British Motor Museum, Gaydon, CV35 0BJ, at approximately 4pm.
- Apologies for absence
- Minutes of last AGM
- Chairman’s Report
- Treasurer’s Report
- Competition Secretary’s Report
- Election of Officers
- Election of Committee members
- Appointment of Council representative
- A.O.B.
Nominations (forms are available on the T Register website or from the address below) and topics for A.O.B. should be sent in writing by 31 March 2018 to:
The Secretary, MGCC T Register, 29 Church Street, Ampthill, Bedfordshire MK45 2PL,
or by e-mail to treg.sec@ntlworld.com by the same date.
14-18 May
T Types to Flanders, Hostellerie Saint Louis, Bollezeele
Update 4 October 2017
Gosh this Tour is proving popular. All the rooms at the Pantgat Hof B&B have now been taken! Bill and Sally are keeping a reserve list so to ensure fairness, please contact Sally Silcock at treg.sec@virginmedia.com or telephone 01525 750468 first before you do anything.
Update 29 September 2017
Bill and Sally are reporting that all the rooms in the hotel have already been taken! However they have negotiated an extra 5 rooms to be available in the nearby Pantgat Hof B&B and dinner can be taken in the main hotel, so if you’re quick you can still book for the Tour.
The cost for this option will be 73€ for a double room with breakfast per night and dinner at the main hotel will be 27€ per person per night. The supplement for the gala dinner will be the same as for those staying at the hotel. The Pangat Hof are holding the rooms until the end of October.
Bill and Sally are also keeping a reserve list in case some people drop out.
The Tour
Bill and Sally Silcock are proposing to return to the Hostellerie Saint Louis in Bollezeele for a Spring Continental Tour.
Many of you know the Hostellerie as we have been there several times before, but it will be particularly appropriate next year as it will be the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I. Stewart Penfound, who has an interest in that era, has suggested a number of visits on this theme, and we will be circulating his suggestions to participants before the event.
The hotel
We have booked all the rooms in the Hostellerie Saint Louis (click the link if you’d like to see what it’s like). They have 26 rooms, so the absolute maximum is 26 crews including us.
Prices (all per room per night for dinner, bed and breakfast) are single 93€, and double / twin 146€ to 170€ depending on grade of room chosen. There will be a gala dinner on the last night for which an additional charge of 9€ per person will apply. All charges are payable direct to the hotel before leaving. They are not asking us for any deposit.
How to get there
The nearest ports are Calais and Dunkirk, which are both about half an hour’s drive from the hotel by the quickest route, so we hope the trip will appeal to members who haven’t ventured abroad before as well as those who have. Zeebrugge and Hook of Holland are a bit further away, but may be useful from people coming from the north. As usual, those going on the tour will need to organise their own ferry or Eurotunnel booking.
Things to do
There’s lots to see and do in the area apart from visiting WWI and WWII sites: for example there’s a very nice run to the coast at Wimereux, where there’s a craft brewery close by that welcomes visitors and speaks good English; continuing the boozy theme there’s a craft gin distillery in Houlle near Bollezeele; while for the more soberly inclined there’s an upmarket craft village in Desvres, a miniature village at a place called St Joseph, and the remains of a canal boat-lift just outside St Omer. Plenty more suggestions are available on the tourist board’s website, and the hotel has lots of leaflets with suggestions too.
Next action
Please e-mail Sally Silcock at treg.sec@virginmedia.com or telephone 01525 750468 to express your interest in this trip. If phoning, please leave contact details (preferably an e-mail address) so that they can contact you when necessary.
2-3 June
MG Live
MG Live continues to see further improvements for this year. Having the California Cup and Autosolo inside the arena proved to be a great success last year, but for 2018 there will a commentary for the spectators as well.
There will be a greater change for the main club marquee; this will actually be smaller and will sit at the head of an ‘avenue’ of smaller marquees with CRB stands. And the best stand competition will return. The traders will be offered attractive rates to include their being there Friday evening to cater for the early campers. The trader numbers increased from 22 in 2016 to 38 in 2017.
But there will be no Arena and events in there for the first time for 10 years! Instead the intention is to build on last year’s success of the stage activities. This year there will be an increased emphasis on the infield activities including the Village Green event area which will have a larger stretch marquee and a bigger stage. And Early Bird tickets will be for MGCC members only.
There is a dedicated MG Live website where you can get all the latest information and the tickets are on sale now.
T Register at MG Live
There will be the usual T Register parking and we will have a stand in the ‘avenue’ of CRB stands described above. We already have two new T Register sailflags for use this summer and we will also be buying a popup gazebo for use at MG Live and at the other events we will be attending.
The new gazebo will be used in the paddock for the T Register Specials display, the T Register racers and the T Register natter at MG Live.
A T Register team(s!) for the California Cup at MG Live

The T Register at last year’s California Cup
We have been invited by Noel Lindford of the MGCC Tyne-Tees Centre to enter a team for the California Cup at MG Live! The T Register’s team of Paul Critchley, Brian Goodban and Richard Hirst won the Register Trophy last year!
This year it will be run across the whole of Saturday 2nd June and given the popularity shown following last year’s event, it will be run over two sessions, morning and afternoon, with a maximum 25 cars entered in each.
The MG Live! entry forms will be out with the March Safety Fast! and the MG Live! website should have the Regulations and Entry Form available soon, so if we want to put together a T Register team we need to move swiftly. And Noel would welcome more than one team …
This year with there being no arena, this event is the main infield attraction. There is a dedicated MG Live 2018 California Cup website and if you have any queries about the event contact Noel Lindford. You can also download the Regulations and Entry Form which explain all.
Completed entry forms should go to Colin Grant and please keep Sally Silcock our T Register Secretary informed as well so we can publicise your entry in the Newsletter.
23-24 June
T Register at the Classic and Sports Car Show in association with Flywheel
This is the new name for the Flywheel Festival at Bicester Heritage and the T Register will once again be attending this event – we held our T Party there in 2016 and many members went back in 2017. It’s an event members seem to enjoy with its great mixture of classic cars performing round a test track where you can get up really close and smell the Castrol R; a vintage flying event; and a vintage marquee for the less car-committed. Last year they had static running of stationary Rolls Royce Merlin and Bristol Hercules engines.Have a look at the video we made of the 2017 event and you’ll see what we mean, or visit their website to find out more.
We will be joined at the event by the Abingdon Works Centre of the MGCC so we are now able to increase our expected numbers to 50+ which will give us privileged club admission arrangements of a 30% discount for booking and now a dedicated area for T Register and AWC cars in the reserved classic car area. A note for AWC members that the discount only applies if you bring a pre-1976 MG. You can book the tickets yourself at the reduced rate with a code, available only to MG Car Club members. The code will be published in the T Register email Newsletter or you can get it by application to David Wardell together with your MGCC membership number.
The People’s Concours
Flywheel are holding a new venture called The People’s Concourse with a new trophy – the David Evans Trophy – together with a feature on the winning car in Classic and Sports Car magazine. The car has to be nominated by the participating club – that’s the T Register for us – and apparently it’s very informal, there is no pressure to stay with the car but they must be definitely booked to attend the Show and driven there to be nominated. They don’t have to be concours or show cars.
We can nominate a car for each of the two days so if you’d like to participate please get in touch with David Wardell. Please can you include a brief history of your car and a couple of photos so they can be used on the Flywheel website and social media. I’m afraid it will be a very autocratic decision making process if we get multiple requests as it is the T Register which has to forward the nomination to the Flywheel organisers.
How to book
Go to the Flyweel Festival ticketing site and enter our discount code in the box at the head of the page and click ‘Use Code’.
Next choose the day you want to attend (we think this will be Sunday) and click the right-pointing arrow.
The page will now show Car Club C Entry Tickets and the reduced price for the day you have chosen day or for a weekend ticket. Choose the type and number of tickets you want.
Then scroll down the page to request the Car Club C Parking Passes you need. If you don’t request a parking pass, you will be directed to the public car park on arrival even if you arrive in your T Type or other classic MG so make sure to choose this ticket in addition to the entry ticket(s). And please note that club parking passes will not be sent out with the entry tickets but will be emailed separately.
Then click the Continue button at the bottom of the page.
If you order e-tickets to print at home, there is no transaction fee. If you want the tickets mailed to you, there will be a £1.95 Standard Delivery charge per transaction (not per ticket).
All discounted club tickets must be booked by 5pm on Friday June 8th.
7-8 July
T Register at the Chateau Impney Hill Climb
Last year we went to the Chateau Impney Hill Climb at Droitwich Spa WR9 0BN for the T Register T Party and those who attended thoroughly enjoyed the event.
There’s a 1000 yard technical hillclimb with classic sports and racing cars built before 1968 with many pre war classes, an open paddock, a concours and a vintage funfair for you to enjoy. And of course dedicated parking for T Register members. You can see what the event is like by having a look at their website where there is also a video showing highlights from the 2017 event.
We will be attending as part of their Associated Clubs scheme and the discounted cost will be £18.00 per person for a Saturday ticket, £22.50 per person for a Sunday ticket and £36.00 per person for a weekend ticket.
To apply for tickets you will need the T Register’s own offer code (operative from 24 February 2018) which will only apply to MG Car Club members. It will only be published in the monthly email Newsletter up to and including the July issue, or you can get it by emailing David Wardell together with your MGCC membership number.
Once you have the code, go to the Chateau Impney Hill Climb ticketing website and choose the day/weekend ticket you want and then on the next screen enter the code in the box ‘Enter Offer Code’.
Then on the next screen Click the blue price of the ticket and you will then get a screen to choose the number and type of ticket(s) you want. Note that the offer code will also work on the Weekend ticket option as well should you wish to spend both Saturday and Sunday there.
There will be parking in the dedicated classic car area and of course we’ll do our best to make sure everyone is parked together on both days. You can print your tickets yourself, or for an extra charge have them posted to you.
For queries about the event, contact Alan Wakefield or phone him on 01932 873170.
People who have attended this event in previous years give it glowing reports and there are also lots of things to see which appeal to the slightly-less T Type committed.
15 July
T Party at MG Car Club British Sports Car Weekend at Donington Park
This year we are planning to hold the official T Register T Party at the MG Car Club’s Donington Park race meeting. The meeting has been named the British Sportscar Weekend and is being held over two days, 14-15 July, and we plan to attend on the 15 July – with our new gazebo! – although access to our party space will be available on 14th as well for those wanting to turn it into a full weekend. Donington Park is slightly further north than previous T Party venues and we hope will attract more T Type owners. The meeting will involve all the MGCC race series including racing from the T Type and Triple M racers. Both the Iconic 50s race involving T Types, and the Triple M race will be on the Sunday afternoon.
The event has grown exponentially and other Registers and Centres have piggy-backed onto our proposed attendance including the Z Register with their MG Saloon Day and the Midland Centre. The latest estimate is that there will be over 200 MGs attending and they will all fit into the infield at Donington. All the information is on the MGCC Racing website.
There will be camping and food outlets available and a discount has been negotiated on the entry fee available on the Donington Park ticketing website, and how to get this and the entrance arrangements are explained below.
Entry to Donington Park
Access to the infield will be by the use of the Fogarty Esses Tunnel. This is reached by using the circuit paddock entrance, turning right at the roundabout away from the paddock, then following the road to the next tarmaced junction about 0.2 miles, turning left at the entrance gate and the ticket check will be straight in front of you at the Esses entrance. Proceed through the tunnel to the infield and you will be guided to the T Register parking.
You can click the map on the right above for a larger view.
How to get tickets
You can click any of the pictures below to get a larger version. Go to the Donington Park ticketing page and enter the day(s) and number of tickets you want.
Click the Add to Basket button. You will then have to Register with the site to buy them.
Continue to go through the process and on the very last page you will be able to enter the Promotion code which you can get from either the T Register Newsletter or by emailing David Wardell with your MGCC membership number. Click Apply and then continue down the page to complete your order.
If you decide you’d like to camp for the weekend, see the list of camping options and book here –
7-10 September
T Register Autumn Tour to Surrey
This year’s Autumn Tour will be touring the leafy Surrey countryside from a base of the Hog’s Back Hotel near Farnham, Surrey, GU10 1EX, just to the west of Guildford.
The cost will be £500 per couple dinner bed and breakfast, and this includes the Gala Dinner. You can see the standard of our new choice of hotel from its website.
We will be touring the leafy Surrey countryside and the Tour is being jointly organised by Barry and Glenys Knight and Alan Wakefield for the routes, and Geoff and Annie Matthews for the administration.
There is also an option for those living locally to join in the daily tours and/or meals.
For details of the Tour and of any of the options please phone Annie or Geoff Matthews on 01840 214972 or email Annie Matthews.
If you want to book, please likewise email Annie Matthews who will then book your room (there is no need to contact the hotel); then you can complete the process by either completing a form as an Excel file on your computer or downloading the form as a paper version to print out and paying the Tour entry fee of £45.
Please note that the cutoff date for any bookings involving the hotel is 31 July 2018.