
We want someone to run the T Register’s MG Live natter!

Panic over

We have now got someone to run the natter so it will go ahead as normal on the late Saturday afternoon in the XPAG Specials marquee where you can sip the drink of your choice, admire the XPAG Specials, and swap stories with your T Type colleagues …

This is an urgent plea.

We had thought we could get someone to take Graham Brown’s place in organising the traditional natter we hold in the XPAG Specials marquee late on the Saturday afternoon at MG Live, but we’ve drawn a blank.
The beer has been ordered, and Graham will show you the ropes, but please, we need a volunteer to run the event. So either you, or if you know someone who would be willing to take it on, please email our Secretary Sally Silcock and let her know.
Time is pressing for someone to come forward and we don’t really want to cancel it …