
Changes to the T Register’s online Regalia shop

There have been changes to the online Regalia shopping cart system on the T Register’s website.
The system we have used for a number of years is now showing its age and Paypal (the system for payments) have changed a large number of parameters, and given the shopping system’s age,  it is not worth updating it.
However the T Register is delighted to announce that a brand new online shop will be arriving soon. We have decided to utilise the main MG Car Club’s online shopping cart system but it will be late January before this is up and running. For the future, using this system will allow us to sell tickets online for T Register events, something which we are not able to do at present.
For now, the Regalia web pages are still up and running, but ordering items will give you a printout of your order for sending off to Barry Knight our Regalia Coordinator together with payment. Full details are on the Regalia pages.
We’ll keep you up to date with progress.