
And now for something completely different …

T Register comic v4Felix Lee of the MG Owners Club of Northern California publishes a photo-strip comic in every issue of their Octagon magazine. It’s proved very popular so the T Register thought of having a go themselves. The result is we hope a gentle comic look at ourselves with humour only T Register members will understand – and many thanks to Alan Wakefield who has of course a very famous surname, from which we got the inspiration of the masthead.

If you really want to know what’s being talked about, have a look at the Captain Castor comic. There’s also a menu item on the left for the comic page.

It could appear as a regular feature on the website with perhaps yourself featured … we already have quite a few suitable photos taken at T Types 80 at MG Era day … !

And we would like to express our gratitude to Felix for the inspiration – and hints!