
MGCC SUV Register to hold AGM – 20th July 2024

MGCC SUV Register

The MGCC SUV Register will be holding its 2024 AGM in-person and via Microsoft Teams on Saturday 20th July 2024 at 11.00 AM to elect/re-elect committee members. A full agenda will be published ahead of the meeting. The AGM will take place at Kimber House (the headquarters of the MG Car Club), 10 Cemetery Road, Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 1AS.

If you wish to participate in the AGM please email your details to suvregister@mgcc.co.uk along with your membership number so we are aware of who is planning to attend in person or remotely. We will then send out the conferencing link to remote attendees closer to the time. As well as expressions of interest to stand for election to existing committee roles (Chair, Treasurer, Secretary), we welcome your proposals for the creation of new committee roles, which will also be discussed and voted on as part of the AGM.

Please note that participation in the AGM is only open to current MG Car Club members.

If you wish to put yourself forward for any of the committee positions, suggest a position to be created, or simply participate in the AGM either in-person at Kimber House or online via Zoom, please email us at suvregister@mgcc.co.uk no later than 5pm on Wednesday, 17th July 2024, with your details and membership number.

For the continued growth and success of the SUV Register we also need volunteers who can help with specific events and activities. Whilst these are not elected roles they are just as essential and appreciated.

Volunteering is a great way to meet new people, especially if you are new to the MG Car Club or the SUV Register. It can broaden your support network, connecting you to people with common interests, technical know-how and even sources of parts or tools. It is also a great way to broaden your skills, whether for personal interest or to support your career progression.

If you would like to be more hands-on in supporting the Register and your fellow SUV owners, please let us know using the email address above.

Mark Cropper
MGCC SUV Register