Piers Hubbard
It is with great sadness that we must report the death of Piers Hubbard on Thursday 12 December.
With his passing, the Club has lost one of its well-known, long-term and much respected members. He will be fondly remembered by many Club members for his quiet and understated support. He got involved in many aspects of running the club and could be relied on to apply common sense to all situations. In any gathering of MG owners Piers would bring an infectious enthusiasm to proceedings and his good-natured approach was therefore much appreciated at Club Council meetings.
Piers and his wife Linda supported many Club events in the UK and overseas trips such as the MG Events of the Year. His favourite MG was the MGA and the MGA Register has benefited for many years from his membership and practical support. He was also the first one to help anyone who needed assistance with their car.
We extend to Linda and family our heartfelt condolences at this sad time.

Piers and his wife Linda (left) accepting their 50 Year MG Car Club Membership Award from the Club’s President, John Day (right)