MG Car Club Motor Racing 2021

We have all been looking forward with eager anticipation to a full year of our excellent Club motorsport, but all of you will be aware of the present situation regarding the present lockdown announced just yesterday, which bans any unessential travel and which will preclude any motorsport for the time being.
The present lockdown is forecast to be, at the least, until mid-February. Nobody is clear as of yet as to what will happen then.
But we have to put in place some outline plans that would enable us to run event’s should salvation occur!
The Club’s 2021 race programme is scheduled to start on 20th March at Silverstone on the National Circuit.
If it is at all possible we intend to run that event, but obviously at some point a go/no go decision will have to be taken.
At present we see the latest that decision date can be as being 1st February, seven weeks before the event.
Therefore in order to even out the workload we intend in the next few days to issue the entry forms for the event and would seek their completion and return.
We will of course keep you advised as to the decisions just as soon as they are taken. Please do not contact the office, we will circulate information just as soon as we can!
In the meantime please look out for the entry forms and return them completed to the office.
Spring is approaching and an excellent season at some great circuits is approaching fast!
Best wishes to all for 2021
Ron Gammons on behalf of the Race Planning Group