MGF25 and Saloon Day Announcement

The MGF Register has confirmed that MGF25, due to take place at the British Motor Museum, has been postponed. Their statement follows;
It is with much sadness that I write following an MGF Register committee meeting earlier today, to advise you that we have regrettably taken the decision to postpone MGF25. The decision has not been taken lightly, but in coming to the decision we took into account:
The current situation where we don’t know if events such as ours will be permitted to take place in July.
At the present time with the 2-week quarantine period for anyone coming in to the country, this would stop our friends from Europe and further afield from attending.
You yourselves may not feel comfortable attending a large event even if we were permitted to hold the event.
In planning the event, we want as many people to attend as possible to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the MGF.
As a committee, we felt that we had no option and it was better to postpone the event now, rather than closer to the date. The good news is that we have booked the British Motor Museum for Saturday 24th July 2021 when we trust that we will be able to hold the event that we were planning to celebrate the 25th birthday of the MGF. We hope that you will be able to attend, so please book the date in your diary.
The British Motor Museum will contact everyone who has purchased entrance tickets and ask if you wish to transfer the ticket to next year’s event or seek a refund. Similarly, if you have purchased tickets for the evening meal and / or the Sunday road run these will be transferred to next year’s event. If however, you wish to receive a refund please contact our Treasurer Philip to request a refund.
I appreciate that this is not the news that you wanted to hear, but I trust that you understand the reasons the committee has made this decision and we look forward to welcoming you to MGF25 in 2021. In the meantime, stay safe and I look forward to seeing you at Gaydon in July 2021.
MG Saloon Day announcement
With this news, the Zed Register has announced the cancellation of MG Saloon Day, due to take place on the Saturday in an adjacent area of the British Motor Museum site. Their statement follows;
Due to the ongoing uncertainty of our current situation, the Zed Register committee has decided to cancel the event for this year. MG Saloon Day has been a regular feature of the MG calendar for many years. We carefully considered a number of factors, including the following, before making our decision:
- At the moment we don’t know within our current situation whether such an event would be allowed to go ahead in July.
- The current legislation surrounding large gatherings/group may not be eased in time for the event.
- Visitors may feel uncomfortable attending such an event if it went ahead.
If you have already bought a ticket in advance, the British Motor Museum will be in contact with you regarding a refund.
We will now be focusing on our own 20 Anniversary celebration event next year, Zed20, which will also incorporate MG Saloon Day 2021. Details of this event will be announced in due course.