MGC Register News
Brooklands 19 May 2024
The Register will have a presence at Brookland on Sunday 19 May as part of the MGCC SE Centre MG100 celebration.
Details of how to book are here:
In addition we have our AGM at the Fairmile Inn Cobham at 2pm on 18 May – before joing in with the SE Centre events during the afternoon.
MGC Day 2024 – 27 July
This year sees us at the Great British Car Journey museum at Ambergate, Derbyshire.
For details including hotel please contact the Register Secretary:

Xmas Meal 2023
25th November – at Hatherley Manor near Gloucester
Email Angie for full booking details – no later than 20 September!
Hook Norton visit 1 October
Meet us at the Brewery from 11am – or meet us at Broadway rail station at 10am and join us for the drive to the Brewery.
If you want to do the Brewery Tour please book direct with them.

C Register AGM 2023 – Update
At the 2023 AGM some changes were put forward and voted on – of particular note the following Officials were duly elected.
Chairman – Mark Downing
Secretary – Angie Haughton
Huge thanks to Colin Howes for leading us from the Chair for the last 6 years!
Other Committee members as listed on the contacts page
MGC Event 2023

Furtther details including pricing etc will be sent nearer the event
Look forward to seeing you all!
MGC 50th Photos 2
Follow the links below to see photos by Colin Howes:
MGC 50th Anniversary 2017
A Big Thank You
It is with absolute delight Barrie and I would like to thank all those that participated in the 50th Anniversary event of the MGC 50th Anniversary last week, at Chateau-Impney..
We can now confirm a remarkable turn-out of 217 MGCs’ over the 4/5 day event. This event has surpassed all our wildest dreams and you all helped to make it happen. Three years ago when we spoke about putting this event in the history books, it was just a pipedream, but now – we can confirm MGC50 as being the largest ever gathering of MGCs’ in living history. This is a world wide accolade and I hope you are all delighted with what you helped us achieve. Without the support of you all, we would have never got this event off the ground. Thanks for believing in us and trusting us to deliver an event worthy of this amazing motor vehicle.
Barrie and I would like to thank all those that contributed to the amazing gifts we received over the MGC 50th Anniversary Event. And a very big thank you for all the kind words written in the Guest Book. A delightful surprise…!!
It will not be long before the MGC Register Committee start thinking about the 60th Anniversary, so watch this space – we will be ‘C-ing’ you all again soon.
More to ‘C’ in 2017
While many club members are gearing up for a busy 2017, the MGC Register has been busy preparing for the 50th anniversary of the MGC, with a packed programme of events planned for this June.
We have hit the ground running into 2017 with our preparation with regards to the 50th Anniversary of the MGC.
With the on-line entry form for this event going live 1st July last year, it’s been none stop ever since. Entries are still coming in at a steady pace and we are well on track for this to be the biggest gathering of MGC ever. We have in excess of 145 to date and still counting with four months to go until the event.
Our Host hotel Chateau-Impney is now full with our overflow hotel, just over a mile away still taking booking. You will need to be quick as rooms are now becoming limited. We will be providing transport to and from the Chateau each evening, to ensure all participants feel fully included in all evening activities. Should anyone prefer to park their MGC at the Chateau each evening, please feel free to do so and take advantage of the courtesy bus. Although parking will be available at both hotels.
Don’t forget you can keep a close eye on Who’s Coming, by clicking on the “Who’s Coming” button and you have still time to Book by clicking on the “Book” button on the “MGC 50th Anniversary 2017” page.
Our next event will be Brooklands Era Day, 2nd April. The MGC Register, along with the MG Car Club stand will be centre stage, outside the Club House.
Your contact for booking this event is Jon Glover.
Jon will be more than happy to send you entry details and answer any events questions you might have.
Back to Downton and the Cuckoo Fair will be 29th April, where once again the C Register will be in attendance enjoying the splendid event the DEWS Club>> put on every year. For an entry form or more information, contact Brenda Harris
Brenda will be more than happy to help. For those that have never attended this event, especially if you have a Downton car, it’s really is worth a visit.