MGB60 announce prizes on offer for display vehicles – could you be a winner?

The exciting celebration of 60 years of the MGB is nearing as hundreds of MGBs will descend on the British Motor Museum , Gaydon for the memorable day of festivities. Amongst the many features of the day will be a selection of prizes on offer to MGB display vehicles, courtesy of our sponsors Rimmer Bros and MGBHive.
The awards will include:
- Best Early MGB/GT Chrome Bumper – Prize – Goody bag from MGBHive
- Best Late MGB/GT Rubber Bumper – Prize – Goody bag from MGBHive
- Most Original MGB/GT – Prize – Goody bag from MGBHive
- Best Modified MGB/GT – Prize – Goody bag from MGBHive
- Young people’s choice – Prize – Goody bag from MGBHive
- Car of the Show – Prize from Rimmer Bros. + Goody bag from MGBHive
The goody bags are definitely worth winning and contain: £25 Voucher + Mug, pen, torch etc from MGB Hive + Blue Rally Plate + Lapel Badge!
The winners will be identified by those attending the event by way of voting slips filled in at the MGB Register Marquee. After counting out the voting slips, the prizes will be awarded at 3pm by Helen, the event’s compere.
Find out more about the event here:
Buy your tickets to MGB60 here: