
The MGA Register UK

Welcome to the new online MGA Register UK. You can now register your MGA online or simply make a high-level enquiry about a car you are interested in.

There are thousands of cars recorded on the MGA Register database. Click on the image below to access the Register and see if your car is already listed.

You can search by chassis, engine or body number. If your MGA was on the earlier version of the Register, and if you know the Register number, you can also search for your car using that number.

If you are not already a registered user you will need to set up a password. Once you have done this and accessed the Register you will be able to “claim” your MGA.

If you have previously registered as a user on the MGA Register Holland (MARH) there is no need to register again on the UK MGA Register. Use your MGARH logon credentials to access the UK Register.

If your MGA was registered on the previous version of the UK Register it is more than likely that your car is already on the new system waiting for you. So if you want to be recorded as the current owner on the new Register all you need to do is register and “claim” your car.

When you have “claimed” your MGA your car will be linked to your unique login. You will then be able to see all the information held in the database about your car. You will be also able to update some of the fields so the Register is upto date and describes your car accurately.

If your MGA is not listed on the database just follow the same procedure to register as a member and then add you car details.

If you are lucky enough to own more than one MGA you can claim/register all your cars in the same way so they will all be linked to your unique login.

For a step-by-step guide to registering click HERE.

If you just want to look up a particular MGA you don’t need register as a user. Just enter the details of the car you are interested in (chassis or engine number) and you will be able to see a basic record of the vehicle.

If you experience any difficulty accessing the Register please contact Joe Walsh – mgcarclub_mgaregistrar@hotmail.com