

Published six times a year the eNewsletter is read by over 1000 MGA followers worldwide.

eNewsletter typically runs to more than 20 pages and includes:

Advance information on events and reports of previous events.

Help wanted to identify a particular MGA.

A picture gallery for “Car of the Month”

Technical and maintenance advice submitted by readers.

Extracts from motoring magazines.

News from the MGA Register shop.

“Safety fast!” 20 years ago.

MGA prices 20 years ago.

Invitations to submit articles to the eNewsletter itself and to “Safety fast!”

eNewsletter is not an exclusive publication for MG Car Club members in the UK.  The Register sees it as a shop window on the world of MGA ownership aimed at encouraging readers to join the MG Car Club in the UK and Europe or an equivalent overseas.

Click here to read the latest issue.

The MGA Register needs your help. We need a Safety Fast! Correspondent. For more information and details of what the roles entail see page 15 of the November ’22 Newsletter.

If you would like to join the worldwide circulation list to receive the eNewsletter direct to your inbox, please contact
