
Welcome to the MGA Register Home Page

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Please see the “Vacancies” page for more information.

MGA grill badge 2

Started by a band of enthusiasts 50 years ago, the MGA Register is dedicated to maintaining the profile of the MGA at the forefront of the classic car movement in the UK and world wide.

The Twin Cam Group of the MG Car Club also provide specific information about the Twin Cam engined version of the MGA ,

Click Here to access the Twin Cam Group web site

To contact any member of the Register   Committee, just go to our Contacts page.

Our members tell us that owning an MGA can be a “life changing” decision, that’s why the services and support we offer to MGA and Twin Cam owners are designed to add to the enjoyment of your car and to help you deal with those little technical problems.

Register Data Base Now containing records on more than 6000 cars worldwide, the data base is the central source of information about the specification and ownership of surviving MGAs and Twin Cams.


Technical information and support: The vast body of knowledge accumulated by the Registers over the past 55 years is available to all MGA owners. Much of this is contained on our CD published in 2006 covering the restoration and maintenance of all models.  To check the latest technical information, see the” Technical Advice” section of this website.  We also deal with technical questions on an individual basis.  These can be sent by letter, email or telephone call, see our “Contacts” page.

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Buying an MGA: The Register has worked with the Club to produce an excellent guide to the range of MGA models, prices and what to look for. To see the guide, click here. For anyone seeking a second opinion about a prospective purchase, the Register may have someone in your local area willing to accompany you, just ask.


MGA merchandise: Our  range of clothing, accessories, badges and books is produced each year to enhance the enjoyment of your MGA. These are sold at our events and by mail order. The most popular item is a reproduction of the original leather key fob.  Click on the picture to see our merchandise shop

Key Fob

Events: Registers have the duty to encourage the use of our cars. MGA Day is an annual event usually held at a stately home in the Midlands where upwards of 60 MGAs will gather. Also our highly popular touring weekends are arranged twice each year, one in the Northern half of Great Britain, the other in the South. For all the latest information go to our Events in 2022 page in the left hand column.

Waddesdon 06 013

History: Recording the development and achievements of specific cars is the remit of our Historian. The Register publishes books and magazine articles based on these records. Information is available to researchers on request

Tom Wellman Tom Haig MGA 20 gal tank

 Enjoy this Pathe Newsreel from 1955  featuring the MGA

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