The MG100 Cavalcade from John O’ Groats to Land’s End has now been completed! And photos of the epic journey together with short reports can be found below, in order of top to bottom, Land’s End to John O’ Groats.

You can click/tap each photo for a larger view.

Fundraising for the Alzheimer’s Society & Lupus UK

The event is also raising donations through a JustGiving page for the Alzheimer’s Society which vows to end the devastation of dementia, Britain’s biggest killer, and for LUPUS UK which is the only national registered charity supporting people with systemic lupus and discoid lupus and assisting those approaching diagnosis. Click/tap the button below to go to the JustGiving page

Stage 25 Launceston to Land’s End, 25 May 2024

On Day 2 of the Devon and Cornwall Centre organised legs the start was back at Strawberry Fields, Lifton, and with a few changes of personnel and cars; after tea, coffee and signing on, 28 cars (again) set off for the MG 100 Cavalcade event completion at Land’s End!

‘Cecil’ thoroughly enjoyed travelling aboard the much-campaigned MG J2 of Colin Bird, although the owner did say he couldn’t quite hear what ‘Cecil’ was saying over the exhaust note! By scenic route we entered Cornwall, devised again by the ever-diligent Barry Smith, in avoiding as far as possible the Bank Holiday traffic via carefully selected road choices.

By late morning we had arrived at our mid-route lunch stop at Hawkins MG at Blackwater, Truro where they made us extremely welcome putting on Cornish Pasties, and all manner of local treats including Jam & Cream scones and Saffron Cake. ‘Cecil’ was delighted to stretch his legs having felt a little folded up double and was seen inspecting the new MGs around the dealership, chatting with staff and entrants. At Hawkins we were joined by a further ten cars, to make a travelling cohort to Land’s End of 38 cars. With these final cars on board, overall across the two days 54 MGs participated in the Devon & Cornwall Legs. Amongst our joiners were John and Janet Day, our Club President who had travelled down to Cornwall especially to be with us at the completion of this epic, national adventure.

The very last leg of our UK wide tour of MG Car Club Centres was completed by way of the coastal road from St Ives to Land’s End in enjoying the dramatic scenery of West Penwith, where we were greeted and marshalled in by Colin Murrell and Steffi Broch who by happy coincidence found themselves camping in Cornwall at the time of our event.
Cars were assembled outside the Land’s End Hotel overlooking the ocean and, although the weather was somewhat windy and drizzly, nothing dampened the spirits as entrants tucked into more Cornish Cream teas before braving the elements to support the event completion photo at the iconic Land’s End sign-post.

With cameras snapping aplenty, the first photo-batch of three cars symbolically ‘completed’ the MG 100 Cavalcade as Geoff and Linda Mansfield’s M type was flanked by Devon & Cornwall Centre stalwarts Bob Slatter’s modern MG TF and Alan Davis’ MG B Roadster in representing 100 years of MG.

Once again ‘Cecil’ was photographed at an iconic signpost just as he had been at John O’Groats all those miles ago on the 30th April…

Our second batch of photos represented the old and the new and saw the new MG 3 Hybrid brought along for the occasion by James Hawkins, flanked by Colin and Carolyn Bird’s J2 and Geoff and Pat Jebb’s MGA Twin-Cam. Much merriment ensued as the careful positioning and repositioning of motorcars and banners was orchestrated in the somewhat damp and blowy conditions! It mattered not a jot, as this enjoyable spectacle represented the achievement of the event goal to join all regions of the country and all parts of the MG Car Club in celebration of 100 years of MG, whilst fundraising for charity … MGs on the road as the ‘Marque of Friendship’ in action!

As one of the completion banners shows, ‘Team MG Car Club’ had succeeded as our intrepid end-to-enders Geoff and Linda Mansfield – along with ‘Cecil’ – had visited all twelve Centres of the Club, covering some 3,300 miles in the process. We then took to the bar to dry out from all the wet weather fun and frivolity, before settling down to an enjoyable evening meal together in the Land’s End Hotel function room. Speeches from Colin Bird, Devon & Cornwall Centre Chairman and MG Car Club, Club President, John Day entertained us all, before cameos from Lorraine Noble-Thompson, Geoff Mansfield and Rob Constant, and of course ‘Cecil’, (who else?) brought the evening and the event to a jovial close.

‘Cecil’ will now make his way to Kimber House to live comfortably amongst his friends in Abingdon – the spiritual home of MG. And please support the fundraising for LUPUS UK and the Alzheimer’s Society by clicking the button just above this last report.

There are four Galleries of photos for this leg –

  1. Photos supplied by Lorraine Noble-Thompson
  2. The start from Strawberry Fields
  3. At Hawkins MG Truro
  4. Finish at Land’s End

There is a Youtube video produced by Alan Davis of the Devon & Cornwall Centre of the last leg which includes the words from John Day, the MGCC President. It appears after the last gallery.

And Geoff Mansfield was interviewed by BBC Radio Cornwall in the morning before the start of the last day. There is a link below the YouTube video to this radio interview.

The first Gallery of pictures from Lorraine Noble-Thompson

They are in reverse order – arrival at Land’s End first, departure from Launceston last.

The start from Strawberry Fields

At Hawkins MG Truro

The finish at Land’s End

Youtube video of the leg

BBC Radio Cornwall interview with Geoff Mansfield

Here’s the link to the radio interview on the morning before the start of the last day. You will need to login to the BBC, and slide the scrub bar to 1m 40secs for the start of the interview.

Stage 24 Exeter to Launceston, 24 May 2024

25 MGs assembled at Hendys MG Exeter where we were treated to bacon and sausage baps by our affable Devonshire hosts, as we presented ourselves at the MG dealership for signing on and to await the arrival of Geoff & Linda Mansfield, the M type Sportsman Coupe … and, not to mention, star man ‘Cecil’.

Having welcomed Geoff & Linda to the region, enjoyed chatting around the cars and the dealership, not to mention formally receiving ‘Cecil’ here for the last leg of his epic adventure, we set off on a scenic tour carefully devised by Barry Smith to mark the occasion.

‘Cecil’ travelled aboard Andy Slapp’s lovely RV8 enjoying a ‘V8 engined foray’ across Dartmoor, before arriving for a great lunch at The Rugglestone Inn, Widecombe-in-the-Moor where the lovely Ness and her team looked after us exceptionally well as we descended en masse upon their pub!

With the weather kind to us, we dined outside and by the time we were all replete from a great al fresco lunch, our numbers had swelled to 28 as we headed further across Dartmoor to traverse the moor, heading north west to arrive at Strawberry Fields Farm Shop for a cream tea completion at Lifton, near Launceston. The Devon & Cornwall Centre are something of a regular ‘set’ at this most accommodating venue, it having been the completion of our recent ‘Drive it Day!’ event.

Once inside, ‘Cecil’ rather came alive and was moving between the tables entertaining one and all regaling anecdotes of his time at MG! He even made friends with the staff and held court stood aloft on the coffee bar (rumour has it, as he left, he wrote nice things in the visitor’s book in his trademark green ink!).

Overnight, ‘Cecil’ stayed with Rob Constant for his first night in Cornwall and was introduced to a thrilled Joseph Constant (aged 5) as he supports our quest to encourage the next generation of MG enthusiasts!

There are three galleries of photos for this leg –

  1. The start at Hendy’s MG Exeter
  2. The stop at the Rugglestone Inn
  3. The finish at Strawberry Fields Farm Shop

At Hendys MG Exeter

The stop at the Rugglestone Inn

The finish at Strawberry Fields Farm Shop

Stage 23 Compton Martin to West Super Mare, 23 May 2024

Unfortunately we have had no report for Days 21 and 22 of Cecil’s adventures. However we do have a report from David Mothersdill of the South West Centre and photos from photos from Geoff Mansfield for the Compton Martin to Weston Super Mare leg –

Cecil reached the West Country in style on 23 May, with an early morning rendezvous at the Ring of Bells in the Chew Valley. An assortment of MGs were there to meet him, the owners being suitably fortified by bacon butties and coffee within the pub. In total thirty five MGs joined in the celebrations, a smattering of T Types, As, Bs, Midgets and Fs, the early era of MG production being represented by an 18/80 and an F type Magna, the latter more often seen on the race track than the road.

At ten o clock sharp the first car left the carpark under instruction of route co- ordinators Andrew and Sue Owst, to cover a forty mile scenic drive incorporating some of the most scenic roads of Somerset.

Starting of with a climb through Burrington Combe to reach the ‘Mendip Motorway’ – an old Roman road allowing several miles of straight travel where MGs can show their sporting pedigree, before heading downhill with views of Glastonbury Tor.

We followed the route into the quaint village of Wookey Hole, famous for its caves, an extensive network which runs beneath the Mendip Hills. Next is a steep incline through the Ebor Valley with fantastic far reaching views over the Somerset Levels, before descending into Priddy and onwards to a finish on the sea front of Weston Super Mare. The local Council kindly provided us with a car park opposite the Tropicana, within easy reach of local amenities to enable Cecil to replenish his reserves with sea side fish and chips prior to his onward journey to Exeter for the evening.

With a good variety of cars spanning most of the 100 years of MG production we did Cecil proud, it’s only right that such a celebration should be enjoyed by using the cars, they were never designed to be static display models!

Stage 20 Brooklands Museum to the National Motor Museum, Beaulieu, 20 May 2024

Cecil was handed over to the Abingdon Works Centre at the MG100 SE event at Brooklands ready for the third AWC leg from Brooklands to the National Motor Museum at Beaulieu on the following day.

There are two sets of photos, one of Cecil’s overnight visit to the famous Hellfire Caves at West Wycombe made famous by Sir Francis Dashwood in the 18thC, and the second of Cecil’s trip to Beaulieu.

Angie Wright and Lorraine Noble-Thompson report on his activities.

So after a very busy and warm day at MG100 SE celebrations today at Brooklands, Cecil even with being ‘flat’ out, wanted to go exploring around the village where he is spending the night with the AWC before heading off for Beaulieu in the morning via Brooklands.
He’s a bit ‘deflated’ as his planned night of debauchery and shenanigans at the Hellfire Club was off the ‘card’ due to being locked, so dragged his hosts to the local instead, getting to know the punters and barmaid there. One of the customers also had two MGs. Then, once an engineer always an engineer, couldn’t wait to get his head under the bonnet of the BGT.
Angie Wright

MG Car Club Abingdon Works Centre held their third and final leg of the spectacular MG100 Cavalcade, with members in six cars meeting outside at Brooklands setting off to the National Motor Museum at Beaulieu via the very scenic and the long way round route to enjoy the A24 and then the A272 westwards.
A lunch and refreshments stop was had at the Hinton Arms hosted by the Winchester MG Owners Club, and after an hour of rest and chatter, the 6 intrepid cars set off on the 2nd half of the run down to Beaulieu again via scenic roads.
Cecil certainly had a great time, being in Ian’s F for the first half, and then Steve, WMGOC Secretary’s BGT for the 2nd half.
Everyone arrived at Beaulieu and amazingly had managed to keep together the entire routes, where Geoff Mansfield and his wife were awaiting us, Cecil handed over into Geoff’s care and more photos taken.
All in all a great day had by all, on roads that brought out the best of driving, and showing that MGs really are the Marque of Friendship.
A fantastic sum of over £400 raised by the Abingdon Works Centre Cavalcaders over the three runs for the two charities, thanks to everyone that took part in our sections of the JOGLE and we wish Cecil great success on his last few days with the South West Centre getting to Lands End.
We’ll miss being with him, but at least my bar won’t be drunk dry anymore.
Lorraine Noble-Thompson

Stage 19 The JOGLE Cavalcade at the MG100 SE Brooklands event

The MG 100 SE event at Brooklands was blessed with sunshine, great crowds and great cars. And Cecil, who seemed to pop up all over the event.

All the pictures here are from the MGCC SE Centre’s Facebook page – many thanks to them. At the end of the event Cecil was handed back over to the Abingdon Works Centre for the following day’s leg to the National Motor Museum at Beaulieu.

Stage 18 Ancaster MG, Dartford Kent and Spadework to the MGSE 100 event at the Fairmile pub 17 May 2024

The MGCC South East Centre took over Cecil at Ancaster MG Dartford from the Anglia Centre and proceeded via Spadework to the MGSE 100 event at the Fairmile pub on 18 May. And not without some mishaps with which he helped out …
He will be appearing at the Brooklands MGSE 100 event on 19 May and no bets are being accepted on him having a ride up the Test Hill.

Stage 17 Brown & Gammons, Baldock to Ancaster MG, Dartford Kent, 17 May 2024

The leg was organised by the MGCC Anglia Centre and in contrast to the previous leg, was bathed in glorious sunshine!. This repair from Jackie Batson of the Anglia Centre. Cecil looks to have been pampered in the evening before the leg …

After a lovely breakfast, Cecil and co made their way once again to Brown & Gammons who again provided us with a lovely selection of Danish pastries and tea and coffee. We really can’t thank them enough for the hospitality they showed us.

The cars began to arrive and with the help of the B&G team and Bill Silcock the cars parked up and we were able to get some lovely photos in the sunshine.
After signing on, donations and pastries it was time to leave. Vicky and Nick De-Vries were Cecil’s designated drivers of the day. After promising not to smoke too much or be a back seat driver Cecil and the rest of the Cavalcade set off. Sadly, Alison and Andrew Isaacson were unable to continue with the Cavalcade run due to a car issue. What better place to break down! Once again Brown & Gammons were able to assist and they made it back home safely.

Tony and Jackie had planned to take a different route and get to Saffron Walden ahead of the Cavalcade. They wanted to take photos of the cars coming over the bridge with Audley End House in the background. Sadly, this didn’t happen because, unbeknown to them – or the local bus driver – a road had been closed for resurfacing in preparation for the Ride London event next weekend!! No diversion route either!! Thank goodness for Sat Nav. Fortunately, the cars were all able to make their way to the planned stop in Saffron Walden, still managing to take in some lovely scenery on their new routes.

Fortunately, the rest of the route went as planned and it was a lovely ride through the countryside, with roof down motoring (those that could). Some participants had decided that they did not want to make the journey across the bridge to Ancaster MG but we had a few that did and we were greeted by Ian Russell, Trevor Osbourne, and some of the South East members and their cars. We were made very welcome by the team at Ancaster in their very busy showroom. Cecil enjoyed looking at all the new cars and had his photo taken in front of the brand new MG3. After coffee and cold drinks provided by Ancaster, we said our goodbyes to Cecil and the SE members and wended our way back through the traffic. Good luck on the next leg of your journey Cecil!

Stage 16 Abingdon Works Centre leg from MGCC Kimber House to the Brown & Gammons, Baldock, 16 May 2024

The video below shows the MG100 JOGLE leg from MGCC Abingdon to Brown & Gammons at Baldock, organised by the Abingdon Works Centre of the MGCC.

Angie Wright AWC Chair passed Cecil to his driver of the day Fred Jenns for his trip of a c. 70 mile drive once again taking in test routes on the drive to Baldock.
Driving through the countryside of Buckinghamshire & Hertfordshire the weather decided to take a turn for the worse so a stop was made for hoods to be put up and the rest of the drive to Baldock was wet and soggy.

There was quite a display of MGs outside Brown & Gammons, including two MG 18/100s, and they put on great hospitality for the participants.

Cecil was handed over the to Anglia Centre Chair Tony Batson for the next stage of his journey.

The video shows the cars, the handover from the AWC Centre to the Anglia Centre, and of course Cecil who seems to have claimed Geoff Mansfield for himself …

Stage 15 Abingdon Works Centre leg from the British Motor Museum, Gaydon to MGCC Kimber House, Abingdon, 15 May 2024

A fantastic array of 27 various MGs plus a gold Rover 25 were gathered at the British Motor Museum at Gaydon for the start in a pool of sunshine of the AWC run to Kimber House Abingdon.

The Midlands Centre handed over Cecil after his night with Old Number One to Angie Wright chair of AWC who in turn passed to Brian Fisk as his passenger for the day. The run took in parts of the test routes used by the MG car factory.

We travelled from Gaydon through part of the Cotswolds and our first stop was at the British Motor Heritage at Witney where we were invited to take part in a tour, to see how parts are produced to ensure British classic cars can remain a part of our lives.

Next onto Abingdon and a visit to the home of MGs at Kimber House. We had a special visitor Georgia Thornton who is a regional fundraiser for Alzheimer’s Society UK which is one of the charities the cavalcade are donating to. We were well received with lots of tea, coffee and biscuits and Cecil was handed back to Angie and then had a ride in the Rover 25 to his overnight stay in West Wycombe Buckinghamshire, where he was persuaded to have a pint or two at the garden bar!!

Stage 14 Midland Centre leg from Longbridge to the British Motor Museum, Gaydon, 14 May 2024

After the North West Centre leg revisiting Cecil’s youthful haunts, he was transported down to Birmingham for the next day’s leg from Longbridge to the the British Motor Museum.
He was handed over the Midland Centre and the picture shows Geoff Mansfield with Midland Chair Roger King after a long drive from Warrington.
The next photo is a large contingent of Midland Centre members at Q Gate of the Longbridge Works, taken on the plinth outside the entrance.
The final picture shows Cecil reunited with Old Number One. Apparently he couldn’t be persuaded to leave the old girl so spent the night with her at the British Motor Museum …

Many thanks to Geoff Mansfield for the original words and photos.

Stage 12 North West Centre leg from Stockport to Warrington, 13 May 2024

Sunday 12 May saw Cecil travel from Wansford near Peterborough to Stockport in Cheshire, where of course Cecil was born and grew up. So on the Monday time was spent visiting his old haunts … Paul Goodman and George Dutton provide the words and pictures, along with Geoff Mansfield and Andy Lempicki for the extra pictures.

Cecil appeared in Stockport early on May 13th. First call was to the house that he lived in with his family as a teenager when attending Stockport Grammar School. He is pictured with the Blue Plaque which involved a quick trip into the front garden. He then went on to the Avro Heritage Museum in Woodford which is on the site of the airfield where Lancasters, Vulcans and Nimrods were made. Around twenty members turned up for the photo shoot under the only white painted Vulcan left in the world. After refreshments he departed to Warrington which will follow as an additional news story.

George Dutton completes the report on the North West Centre’s stage with Cecil travelling to the village of Grappenhall near Warrington where his family lived from 1909 to 1911. It was there that he was involved in a serious motorcycle accident which changed the course of his life. (See ‘Safety Fast!’ January 2023 page 28.)
After the photo-shoot with the Avro Vulcan, Geoff Mansfield hitched up the M type on its trailer to join a convoy of 4 Mg’s on a 20-mile run through the Cheshire countryside via Wilmslow, Alderley Edge and Knutsford. Grappenhall today looks very much as Cecil would have known with red standstone cottages on the cobbled main street. Time for lunch in the Parr Arms, lay flowers at his mother’s grave in St. Wilfrid’s churchyard, then a short walk to the family home, Greenbank House. After goodbyes to Geoff and Linda, they set off for Longbridge for the next leg.

Stage 11 Lincolnshire Centre leg from the Humber Bridge to Louth and Whaplode Drove, 11 May 2024

On Friday 10th May the Yorkshire Centre handed over ‘Cecil’ to the Lincolnshire Centre at the Old Tile Works, Barton Upon Humber. With views of the iconic Humber Bridge in the background the cavalcade of 19 assorted MGs, including the 18/80 open tourer of Richard Martin, set off for a scenic drive to N T Shaw, MG dealers in Louth. Once there we were greeted by another 19 MGs from both the Car and Owners Clubs’ together with a number of other cars from the Lincolnshire Automobile Club. A cavalcade rally plaque was presented to the staff and in return they presented David Stonehouse with a number plate “MG 100”.
A scheduled photoshoot at Cadwell Park race Circuit had to be abandoned as lots of heavy trucks were arriving for a race meeting on the Saturday, However, 14 members attended a dinner celebration at the Hundleby Inn before an overnight stopover.
Saturday dawned with a photoshoot at the Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage centre, East Kirkby with their Lancaster Bomber “Just Jane” and yet another 18/80 saloon belonging to John Rogers. The cavalcade then set off for Hall’s Garage, Morton where Steve Hall and the staff put on a display of MGs and had a golden balloon made with the MG 100 logo. The cavalcade then departed for W H Brand at Whaplode Drove, near Spalding where other MGs had gathered including Dave Kempton’s J3 Midget and Rob Taylor’s WA.
Geoff & Linda Mansfield and a few others then retired for a dinner at the Paper Mills pub, Wansford where ‘Cecil’ was returned to Geoff’s care to continue his journey to the North-West Centre.
The two days of Lincolnshire legs were blessed with wall to wall sunshine, good spirits and lots of laughter. The ‘marque of friendship’ being evident in abundance!

Many thanks to David Stonehouse for the report and photos and to Lorraine Noble-Thompson and Noel Lindford for extra photos.

Stage 9 and 10 Yorkshire Centre legs from Richmond to Harrogate, and to Hull, 9 -10 May 2024

Several Yorkshire Centre entrants arrived in Richmond, North Yorkshire the day before our event started, to meet up with Tyne Tees Centre members after they finished their ‘leg’. An informal joint natter/supper had been organised between the two centres and a great time was had by all. No sign of Cecil though…. obviously he was in need of an early night!
Our first day saw 34 MGs ranging from 1931 to 2015 assemble in Richmond’s historic marketplace in lovely bright sunshine. The official handover of ‘Cecil’ completed; cars were flagged away by Chairman David Copeman to enjoy the splendours of motoring through Yorkshire Dales scenery at its best. Some drivers experiencing the challenges of Buttertubs Pass and Fleet Moss for the first time, and all with a big smile at the end!
The first day’s drive finished just south of Harrogate, the same spot where our Day 2 drive would start. 24 MGs set off again in lovely bright sunshine to drive east and around the northern outskirts of York, before enjoying the scenic Yorkshire Wolds. We visited the Robert Fuller Gallery in Thixendale to be impressed with his wildlife artworks and view his live camera feeds from secret nesting locations. Back out on the road we continued our drive through gentle Wolds backwaters before finishing at Maple Garage, just east of Hull. Maple very kindly arranged a welcome reception for us before ‘Cecil’ and a few continuants made their way south over the Humber Bridge, to meet up with the Lincolnshire Centre.

Many thanks to Terry Hartley for the report and photos and to Lorraine Noble-Thompson and Noel Lindford for extra photos.

Harrogate to Hull, 10 May 2024

Richmond to Harrogate, 9 May 2024

Stage 8 Tyne Tees Centre legs from Carlisle to Croxdale near Durham and onto Richmond, 8 May 2024

Noel Lindford of the Tyne Tees Centre writes the report on Cecil’s travels from Carlisle to Richmond in Yorkshire.
Pictures are from Noel and Lorraine Noble-Thompson.
And you can even see Cecil in a Cyberster …

Geoff Mansfield, the M Type Coupe and Cecil safely arrived at Carlisle MG on Tuesday afternoon, to be part of a showroom display. On Wednesday morning (8th May) Geoff formally handed over Cecil to Martin Robinson and his MGB GTV8 to transport him to Croxdale MG on an 86-mile road run with 20 cars signed on for a route that crossed three counties. All cars and crews safely arrived at Croxdale MG to be very surprised to see an Inca Yellow MG Cyberster in the showroom! A LHD dual motor model, which wowed everyone.

We put on a showroom display with some of the MG cars entered on the afternoon run, whilst Croxdale MG laid on a superb buffet for everyone to enjoy.

The second section of the Tyne-Tees leg of the tour was a 43 mile scenic run to Richmond in North Yorkshire, and 26 MG cars entered. Dealer-driven MG3 Hybrids took part in both road runs. For this section, Cecil was handed over to Andrew Kelly and his red MG TF1500. All cars safely arrived in Richmond, and for Cecil, an overnight stay in the TF1500, ready for the handover to Yorkshire Centre tomorrow (Thursday).

The management and staff at both MG dealerships really went all out to support this event.

Stage 7 Stranraer to Carlisle , 6 May 2024

Cecil travelled back from Northern Ireland on 6 May and then onto Carlisle the next day after being handed over at Stranraer to Willie Struthers for the trip. This was to be to Kircudbright then on to Carlisle in Willie’s MG RV8 where he met up with the Tyne Tees Centre.

Stage 6 Ulster Centre Social Scenic Run, 5 May 2024

Terry Ingles the Ulster Centre Chairman writes the second report on Cecil’s visit to Northern Ireland for Day 2.

The weather forecast looking better than yesterday, but still grey and with the Sunday being busy with Bank Holiday traffic, not forgetting the Belfast Marathon preventing easy access through Belfast, we had no idea how many members and friends would decide to forego their day of rest or alternative leisure for the run from Carrickfergus to Glenariff Glen.

A small group of members gathered at Carrickfergus Harbour Car Park under the MG100 feather flag for signing on and a friendly chat with each other and the many members of the public, who took an interest in the cars. These included a girl who insisted her father leave the route home and come into the car park to see her favourite make of car. She took a shine to Noel Corry’s MGA Twin Cam and was photographed (with Dad’s permission), with the car and ‘Cecil’!

The eight cars set off set off at about 1.30pm and as we left the coast and started climbing to Cairncastle via the village of Gleno it was obvious the weather forecast was not quite correct, with mist and light rain in the distant hills. The splendid viewpoint at the top of the Cairncastle Hill Climb, in the shadow of Sallagh Braes and looking down the valley to the sea, however gave an atmospheric backdrop for a picture of “Cecil”, before travelling on the Glenarm.

As expected Glenarm was busy with through traffic and cars parked for the six day Tulip (flowers, not navigation!) Festival at the Castle. As we continued along the much acclaimed scenic Antrim Coast Road, the rain was intermittent, but sufficient to make the usual vistas of the headlands very misty.

On reaching the finish at Glenariff Forest Park some of the cars had turned and were making their way home, one or two of the open soft top cars having braved the damp all the way.

A few of us stopped however to get some pictures of ‘Cecil’ and then partake of tea and scones in the tea room.

Farewells were made to Geoff and Linda Mansfield – and ‘Cecil’ with promises of a return to Northern Ireland next year for a much earned holiday, not involving cars!

The Mansfields return to Blighty tomorrow on the ferry to Cairnryan to continue their and ‘Cecil’s’ journey on Tuesday to Carlisle, with our very best of wishes for a safe and happy journey through the MGCC Centres to Land’s End.

Stage 5 Display at Mervyn Stewart MG Bangor, and at the Craigantlet Hill Climb, 4 May 2024

Terry Ingles the Ulster Centre Chairman writes this report on Cecil’s Day 1 visit to Northern Ireland.

Heavy rain put a dampener on setting up the Cars and Coffee meeting at Mervyn Stewart MG, Bangor, Co Down, but did not deter the drivers of the display cars who were on parade for 9.30pm as requested. The event started at 10.00 am and other MGCC members and MG enthusiasts were arriving constantly, with about 15 MGs from all eras given reserved parking. Ten display cars provided the main interest and with the rain almost clearing the formal transfer of ‘Cecil’ took place from Geoff to Mike Armstrong, the Ulster Centre President.

The rain abated, but the clouds, remained. Despite this it was a great social occasion and many old acquaintances were revived! Geoff Mansfield declared it a success and extremely enjoyable experience.

At about 12.15 ‘Cecil’ was taken to the Craigantlet Hill Climb, where the Ulster Automobile Club was holding its annual British National Championship event and had allowed us to parade ‘Cecil’ up the hill at 1.00 pm in Simon Brien’s 1934 K3 replica, built to resemble Nuvolari’s 1933 Ards TT winning car. The parade celebrated not only the MG100 Cavalcade, but Cecil Kimber’s 1932 class win at this venue in 1932, his C Type going on to be rebuilt with the racing engine and parts from Hammy Hamilton’s C Type that he had crashed in practice for the event for Stanley Barnes to race , only to retire having been hit by another car.

Many thanks to Terry Ingles, Linda and Sam Christie for the photos.

Stage 4 from Glasgow to Cairnryan 3 May 2024

The Caledonian Centre and End-to-Enders traveled from Glasgow to the Cairnryan ferry terminal where they boarded the ferry to Northern Ireland.
Pictures courtesy of Nancy Crichton and Lesley Duncan of the MGCC Caledonian Centre.

Geoff Mansfield writes of Day 4:
Cecil had a comfortable ride from the MG Dealership near Irvine. We were given the right Royal treatment and given MG caps, drinking cups and in my case a superb charging plug which will charge four USB cables and one C type cable. By working a slide you can get British, European or American style pins for mains socket. Wasn’t able to stop at Culzean Castle as we didn’t want to miss the ferry, so we didn’t get chance to say goodbye to the wonderful members of the Caledonian Centre who accompanied us. Putting farewells on Facebook is not the same but we really enjoyed their company. I have posted a picture of Cecil having a quiet fag whilst we enjoyed coffee and doughnuts courtesy of Irvine MG.

Stage 3 from Perth to Glasgow 2 May 2024

Showing the start from Dobbies Garden Centre with the handover of Cecil.

Stage 2 from Inverness to Perth 1 May 2024

The start from Inverness where the drivers imitated a Le Mans style start (well, sort of!) and headed of to Perth via the luch stop at the House Bruar for fish and chips!
Cecil is now in the capable hands of Tony Smith Chairman of the V8 Register in his nice Oxford blue RV8 development car, complete with seat belt!

The first stage from John O’ Groats to Inverness 30 April 2024