Introduction To Autotests And AutoSolos
IT’S BEEN a while, but plans have been afoot to organise a new series by MGCC Anglia to encourage new entrants in autotests and autosolos going on in the region.
It can be horrid arriving to a competition and not knowing anyone or what you have to do, so this is YOUR chance to come along and have some fun and ask all the questions that you’ve wanted to ask, but never have.
I have put Ian’s introduction up so you know a bit of what you’re expecting to do, but, the only way to really do this is the come and test the water. Not only that, but we have also arranged a deal with a local pub for lunch – so what’s the worst that can happen – you meet some new people and have a nice lunch?!
The day will consist of:
Scruitineering – with an explanation of what this is and what you need to do to pass – basically you need to bring your MOT, insurance certificate and a valid tax disc
Drivers Briefing – including a question and answer session
Example Test – what you are hoping to do
Couple of Runs by you – with or without passenger – and any hints that you want to have afterwards
Short Competitive Test – to put into action what you’ve learnt and to have some fun.
Pub for lunch and results
Where? Great Massingham Airfield – if you don’t know where it is (I didn’t when I went first time!) then meet at the Duckpond in Great Massingham at 9.45am to follow the leader to the site
When? 13th October 2013 is the first event in this series, which, if there’s enough interest, we WILL run more of next year, so it’s up to you!
What time? 9.45am meet at the Duckpond if you want to follow the leader – 10am at the airfield if you want to go direct
What do I have to do? If you’re a member of an MSA recognised club – just e-mail your intention to attend by the 11th October so we can let the pub know numbers
If you’re not a member, email us and we can arrange for a day’s membership for you to come along – please do this by 9th October so that we can get this sorted
How much? £10 entry fee.
If you can’t come to this one, but are interested – just let us know so we know that you’re there.
Email address: