International Youth Week: Celebrating young MG people like, Emyr Watkin
In celebration of International Youth Day this week, we are sharing stories each day, over the next week, from some of the young people in the MG community.
In part three, we meet Emyr Watkin. Emyr is the Marketing & Branding Executive at Nathaniel Cars, here is his story.

What does working at MG Motor UK mean to you?
“I feel proud to work for a thriving brand and to know that my input and work is contributing to the growth of the brand in some shape or form.”
What is your favourite thing about your job?
“The fact that I get to experience so many aspects of the business. It gives me the opportunity to grow as an individual.”
How did you start your MG career?
“I started working for Nathaniel Cars part-time as a valeter whilst in sixth form and then closer to the time of leaving school my boss offered me a full-time job. We didn’t know what I’d be good at as I was only then leaving school.
“I started as a trainee salesperson and then went on to trial and experience other parts of the business to see what role suited me best. A vacancy came up for a marketing assistant role and the managers of the business thought that role might suit me. The role worked out and I am still in and progressing in that position today!”
What is one piece of advice you’d tell your younger self?
“Make the most of every opportunity.”