The MG Car Club is very fortunate to have the original factory records for the Vintage and Triple M MGs from the Abingdon MG Car Company. The factory records are kept in our archive in our Clubhouse, Kimber House. How the Club came to have the factory records, is a very interesting story. One that can be told by Mike Allison, ex MG employee and President of the Triple- M Register.
Factory Records
In 1968 at the MG factory in Abingdon, it was necessary to find storage for the much more extensive records for the current production of MGs. It was decided that these records would go in the Service Department record storage. As this was full, it was decided that the old service records would go for scrap, but as an interested party, I asked if alternative storage could be found – notifying the SVW, T, and MGA Registers that this was happening.
At the time I was Triple-M Register Secretary and holding a brief for the Vintage Register. I said that the Triple-M and Vintage records could be stored temporarily within the Air Pollution Control Centre, of which I was superintendent, and which had ample storage space for the moment. This was agreed by John Thornley, but sadly all the other records went for scrap.

Towards the end of 1968, the Car Clubs were evicted from Abingdon. I approached Thornley to see if the records could be saved, and he agreed that I could buy them as scrap and arranged for an invoice to be drawn up. This was for a nominal sum, and the records were moved to the new Car Club Office in Abingdon on permanent loan to The MG Car Club.
Mike Allison
If you are the proud owner of a Vintage or Triple M MG, we can provide you with a certified copy of your vehicle’s factory record, showing your car’s specification as it left the production line.
Heritage Certificate
Heritage Certificate with Photo

Also available are colour copies of any sheet contained within the factory record – there is a small fee of £1 per colour copy.
To purchase your Heritage Certificate, please contact the Clubhouse on 01235 555552. In order for us to provide you with an exact cost, you will need to provide us your MG Model and Chassis Number so we can check the archive before we process your request for a Heritage Certificate.
If you have any questions, please email