E10 Fuels update

Earlier in the year the Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs responded to a consultation on the introduction of E10 petrol. This was in fact the second consultation on E10, the first, in 2018, was about what the Government should do to meet its obligation to introduce E10. The more recent one about how it should do it. The Federation responded in detail to the first consultation. After very careful consideration and a survey of our members our main request was for a 97 RON E5 protection grade fuel. We also made some suggestions regarding labeling and warnings. It was very apparent from the second consultation that all our points had been noted and acted upon so that was duly acknowledged in our further response.
Since then Sir Greg Knight MP, chairman of the All-Party Parliamentary Historic Vehicles Group, has asked a written Parliamentary question regarding the protection grade and was assured by a DfT Minister that the government recognised that historic vehicles needed such a fuel. A few days later our President, Lord Steel, asked a similar Written Parliamentary Question. In that case the DfT reply went further and stated that the Government intended to make the continued availability of the protection grade fuel a legal requirement for five years, which is the longest period permitted before a review.
We have also learned from petroleum industry sources that the industry is very happy to supply this grade and that whilst the requirement will be for 97 RON minimum it is in practice more likely to be 99.