
Anglia Centre News

East Coast Pub Meet

Venue: The Fox, London Road, Shadingfield, Beccles, Suffolk NR34 8DD

the fox pub

Hi to all ‘East Coast’ Pub Meet MG members,
This is your monthly reminder that the MG Car Club ‘East Coast’ Pub Meet will still take place at The Fox, Shadingfield, this coming Wednesday 16th September THIS MONTH IT’S AN EVENING MEETING FROM 6PM, FOR PRIDE OF OWNERSHIP AT 7PMWe will be at the Fox to welcome you and look forward to seeing as many of you as possible.
Remembering we have been invited to Great Yarmouth Wheels Festival displaying the Bloodhound 1000mph land speed record car and associated activities. We have also been asked if wish to display our MG’s at this event during the Saturday and/or Sunday display days of 12th and 13th September on Great Yarmouth sea front. To book your car display slot please contact Peter Harrison at peter@pcharrison.co.uk
Also a Day out with the North Norfolk Railways Poppy Line, meeting at Holt station to Sheringham via Weybourne and the engine sheds tour (optional). Sunday September 13th.
The social run to Languard Fort, Felixstowe is to be held on Tuesday September 15th, to meet at The Fox by 11am. For those wishing to attend please confirm to peter.skipper@rocketmail.com

Mid-Summer Run

Our Mid-Summer Run, organised again this year for us by Margaret Beresford and Barbara Pratley, takes place on Sunday 16th August 2015.
Contact Margaret by e-mail,  margaret@beresford.me.uk for a place on the run.

Meet from 9.30 am at The Coach and Horses, Melton Road, Melton, Woodbridge, Suffolk. IP12 1PD.

Coffee, sausage or bacon baps will be available for purchase for those people who are hungry or thirsty.

Cars to be away on the run by 10.30 am to enjoy a countryside route and a drive down the longest runway in Europe.
Return to Melton for lunch followed by an afternoon drive to the coast to visit Priors Oak a 10-acre wildlife and butterfly garden with renovated railway carriages. A tour and afternoon tea.

Lunch is booked for 12.30 pm. Optional.
The cost is £14.00 per person. This will include: main course, dessert and tea or coffee.
The Prior Oak Tour and Tea, £7.00 per person

Run fee of £15.00 per car includes Runway drive, Route book and Rally Plaque.

Click HERE for the application form. Please send this to me, John Cumming, by 3rd of August 2015.

Margaret and Barbara look forward to meeting on the day.

Anglia Summer Picnic Report

The Anglia Summer Picnic report is now available – see the Event Reports page



Eastern Counties Motor Club AutoSOLO Debden – Sunday 19th July‏

Entries Open
Debden Autosolo and Autotest
Organised by Eastern Counties Motor Club
Sunday 19th July 2015
Carver Barracks, Debden (nr Saffron Walden)
On line Entry Form and latest entry list available here
(sorry for sending you the email if you have already entered)
(follow the links to download a pdf file showing the latest Challenge regulations here, latest Challenge Tables here or to view the Challenge website here)

Helmingham Hall Classic Car Show 2nd August 2015‏

Please book by e-mail to, johncumming@talktalk.net, if you would like a place, on the Anglia Centre Stand in the Show Area at the Helmingham Classic & Sports Car Show on Sunday 2rd August 2015.
The cost is £10 for a driver and one passenger. Additional passenger tickets are available at £7.00 per adult and £2.50 per child.
Please let me know the model of car you will be in.
I will send you, via e-mail, a Club Pass and instructions to enter via the Hall Main Gate and drive.
As last year, I will collect the fee on the day.  Please have the correct CASH to give to me on your arrival
If you have booked earlier with the Helmingham Office and wish to join us on the Club Stand then please let me know.

John Cumming.

Telephone,  01359 259717

email; johncumming@talktalk.net

Anglia Run May 31st

Despite the appalling weather and a slightly lower than expected turn out, the Village Run organised by Paul Broomfield and Janet Voutt from the Gayton natter was a great success. A rout of 56 miles took the participants from Stanhoe to the finish at St Mary’s Church East Raynham using mostly B and C class roads, with the cars at the finish being on display on the drive of Raynham Hall by kind permission of Marquess Townsend, with a grand total of £750 being raised from the event being donated to the fabric fund of St Mary’s church.


Autotest May 17th

A good entry turned out for the centres first Autotest of the season help at Gt Massingham on May 17th, warm jackets were the order of the day with the weather staying dry, B’s, Midgets and F’s made up most of the entry with a lone Clio bringing up the rear, FTD was Steve Atkinson in his Midget, and Geoff Hirst also in a Midget, 3rd Bryan Pack MGF. Details of our next events and invited events will be published on the centres website.


Queen Vic Car Show Web Site

Tony and Josh Batson are pleased to announce the new Queen Vic Car Show web site. Please see  http://queenvic.mgccangliacentre.org.uk/ for more about the upcoming show in Billericay.


Janner Week in Anglia

A few photos from Janner week

Cars and power boats on Oulton Broad on Bank holiday Monday, the paddle boat was our Wednesday afternoon transport for a river trip from Horning plus who pretty the broad can be under sail. With a start of the car shot outside the American diner in Great Yarmouth on Friday before we went to Caister Castle Motor Museum.

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SCCoN Autosolo at Coltishall

The entries are now open for the  SCCoN Autosolo at Coltishall Norfolk on the 28th June


Entries can be made Here

Entries received list  Here

Regulations: Here