
Rabbie Burns Run

Rabbi Burns Run 24th January 2016

We will meet at the Needham Market Lake, Coddenham Road, IP6 8NU, main car park, at 10.00am on Sunday 24th Jan 2016.

First cars away at 10.30 am.
I am sorry to say that the numbers of people wishing to dine will be restricted to 36 this year due to the size of the dinning room
so we will allocate places in order of receipt of your e-mails.

There will be a small charge of about £3.00 per car, depending on the numbers on the Run, to cover the cost of the MSA insurance etc.

Please reply by e-mail to me. johncumming@talktalk.net

We look forward to meeting you on Sunday 24th Jan

A Happy New year,

John & Graham