
East Coast Pub Meet

Venue: The Fox, London Road, Shadingfield, Beccles, Suffolk NR34 8DD

the fox pub

Hi to all ‘East Coast’ Pub Meet MG members,
This is your monthly reminder that the MG Car Club ‘East Coast’ Pub Meet will still take place at The Fox, Shadingfield, this coming Wednesday 16th September THIS MONTH IT’S AN EVENING MEETING FROM 6PM, FOR PRIDE OF OWNERSHIP AT 7PMWe will be at the Fox to welcome you and look forward to seeing as many of you as possible.
Remembering we have been invited to Great Yarmouth Wheels Festival displaying the Bloodhound 1000mph land speed record car and associated activities. We have also been asked if wish to display our MG’s at this event during the Saturday and/or Sunday display days of 12th and 13th September on Great Yarmouth sea front. To book your car display slot please contact Peter Harrison at peter@pcharrison.co.uk
Also a Day out with the North Norfolk Railways Poppy Line, meeting at Holt station to Sheringham via Weybourne and the engine sheds tour (optional). Sunday September 13th.
The social run to Languard Fort, Felixstowe is to be held on Tuesday September 15th, to meet at The Fox by 11am. For those wishing to attend please confirm to peter.skipper@rocketmail.com