
Anglia Mid-Summer Run 2014

Our Mid-Summer Run, organised again this year for us by Margaret Beresford and Barbara Pratley, takes place on Sunday June 15th. Meet from 9.30 at The Coach and Horses, Melton Road, Melton, Woodbridge, Suffolk. IP12 1PD.
Coffee, sausage or bacon baps will be available for purchase for those people who are hungry or thirsty.

Cars to be away on the run by 10.30 am to enjoy a 50 mile run along Suffolk country lanes, through woodland, fields and along the coast to The Suffolk Punch Trust, Hollesley, Suffolk.

Entrance to the Trust is £9.00 per person to include:
Guided introduction to the Stud, Stables and Exhibition Hall.
Tour the farm, rare breeds of pigs, sheep, cattle and chickens.
Magnificent modern Visitor Centre.
Historic collection of drays, tumbrels and antique farm machinery.
Suffolk Heritage Garden.
Heritage Museum & Barn.
Fresh home-baked cakes and teas available in the Café.

Lunch is booked for 1.00 pm. Optional.
The cost is £9.50 per person. This will include: main course, pudding, tea or coffee.

A small Run fee of £6.00 per car will be charged to cover the admin costs, Route book and Rally Plaque.

The application form can be found HERE. -Please send this to John Cumming  by 1st of June 2014.

Margaret and Barbara look forward to meeting everyone on the day.