
Spitfires, Merlins and Motors – Roger’s Review

I recently had the pleasure of attending this wonderful event splendidly organised by Terry Starkey.

The venue was the IWM Duxford.  The Motors part was the MG Car Club and other clubs.

We had the prime position immediately in front of the American Pavilion on grass bordering the edge of the airfield. Just beyond our part of the boundary fence two Merlin engines were on tethered trollies. Can you imagine our pleasure when from time to time during the day one was started and run up and then idled while the second was run up and then the two together. Wow and double wow, thought we’d died and gone to heaven!

There were five Spitfires on hand of which at least two flew and showed us some typical WW11 manoeuvres.  Additionally there was also an ME108 dressed as a 109 flying. A flying fortress was static.

We enjoyed a glorious summer day with all the many attractions of Duxford to go with it. Add in an interesting mix of  around 50 MGs and plenty of good company and things were as perfect as they could be.

Many thanks Terry and here’s to next year.

Roger Latham




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