
Survey on the T Register holding a track day

How do you fancy … a track day!

The Triple M Register organised a block booking at one of the MGs on Track’s track days recently – at Goodwood on 18 February – and a great success it was too. It also included an interloper – David Blackford in his TD – and he really enjoyed the experience. So much so he’s wondering if the T Register might organise something similar … The Triple M Register appear to have had 9 cars there, so it wouldn’t take many to make it a goer.
Cost? For circuits other than Silverstone this is £150 for the driver; there is sometimes a fee for a passenger but as often as not this is free. You only need a helmet and MGoT hire these for a small fee. You would also need insurance for your car but some insurers now include this. You can see what is required for a track day on the MGs on Track website.
So we have organised this voting form to gauge if there is any interest in the idea. It might be done by ourselves, or in conjunction with another Register.
Anyway, here’s the form below, so do let us know what you think!

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