
MG 6.3.5 Register

MG635 Logo

Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/MG635Register

The 6.3.5 Register is the latest addition to the Car Club which caters for MG6, MG3 and MG5 cars and their owners. You can follow us on Facebook for all the information on what we are getting up to, events and technical information to assist all owners.

Chairman – Steve Haines steve-haines@live.co.uk

Treasurer  – Barry Faiers barry@faiers.org       

Secretary – Mark Cropper  suey.thebark@btinternet.com          

Events and BTCC Coordinator – Matt Kimberley  Matt.kimberley@gmx.com

Techincal Archivist & Historian  – Steve Taylor steventaylor639@hotmail.co.uk
